Chapter 20

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My feet ached as I ran but I couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried. I knew that I wouldn't be able to run all the way to Jax's house so my instincts brought me to my fathers house.

I ran up to his house and pounded my fist on the door. He opened it just enough for him to see me but I pushed open the door "Ianna what are you doing hear" he  yelled as I slammed the door. I hung on to the door as if someone was going to break in.

"I need your help" I said in between breaths, "What do you need" he asked trying to pull me from the door but my fingers gripped it even more.

"I need to defeat an enemy" I said getting up and locking the door. "Why" he asked in confusion, " This girl named Lowell she has Jax my mate and shes changed him" I said looking around for anyway someone could come in here undetected. 

"Changed him into what" he asked, "She can control him and shes not doing it in a good way" I said sitting down.

"It almost sounds like she has the power to control people" he said sitting next to me. "But if she can control people why can't she control me" I was in complete confusion 

"This lowell can't control you because its part of the prophecy of her ancestors" he said looking excited. "What prophecy ,and you need to explain whats going on with me because I have no idea what i'm suppose to be" I said this almost breaking down.

"I never did tell you did I, I just glazed over it" he said standing up. 

"Well I did tell you about your ancestors choosing you to have all there power but never why, looks like now I have to tell you" I glared at him because I knew this was true.

He did tell me about my power and that i'm suppose to be the werewolf goddess. I need answers hopefully he will give them to me.

"Ianna, the prophecy was made by an Alpha werewolf from before I was born and the prophecy states that your ancestors have to give all their  power to a future relative because there was going to be a civil war between two young girls and the war was just the beginning if there relative didn't win and if she was going to win she needed power, Ianna you are that future relative" shock hit me like lightning.

Although I already I knew some parts to the prophecy it still shocked me. The beginning of a civil war was on me.

"Dad can you show me the future please" I asked grabbing his hands. "I... Ianna. ...fine" he said swiping his hand over. Then all of the sudden I saw me and Lowell fighting, she sent Jax to  over power me.He struck his canines into my neck and let me fall blood spilling out of me.

I jumped up and put my hands over my forehead, "that is not how I'm going to die" I said. "I can't change it Ianna you have to" he said this getting up.

"How am I suppose to change that" I screamed, my whole body was shacking. "You decide" He said continuing to walk up stairs.

Then all of the sudden it hit me,what I was going to do was easy. So easy I could kill her with out her fighting back but I wasn't going to kill , no something much worse.


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The next 2 chapters are going to be the last sadley

But I think I will do an Epilogue

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