Chapter 3

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I got dressed into the small black dress, it was a little small though. I put on black flats that where in my room. Finally I was done I looked in the mirror and saw how much my hair had grown since my last mate we'll master he liked me to call him. I wonder were I was going tonight , I'm pretty sure it's not going to be good.

" Ianna come down stairs" Jax called for me. I ran down stairs trying not to fall and make a fool of myself. As I got to the bottom the stairs there was a man I've never seen before standing in the doorway. "Why hello miss" he said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it." Hello sir" he looked at me like I did something wrong" Did I do something wrong" I asked him my heart pounding. " No ,excuse me for my bluntness but in my thirty-two years of being alive I've never found a human to look this beautiful". My face heated up at the comment ( werewolves in this pack are a mix of vampires and werewolf breed just to clear up things)

Then I look behind me as I feel a arm wrap around my waist, it's my mate Jax. By the look on his face I could tell he wasn't really pleased by the comment that this man made, he started to growl. "Hello Parker I see you have met my mate" Jax said his arm getting tight around my waist. " Well like I said she is very beautiful for a human" he said walking away.

Jax pushed me up against the wall his teeth showing and his wolf form taking over. "You are not to go near Parker do you understand me" I froze surprised by his actions. He slapped me," Do you understand " he said in a loud whisper. I nodded my head holding my face in pain. He walked away towards Parker and did the same thing but Parker fought back. " YOU CANT TELL WHAT TO DO JAX" Parker yelled turning into his wolf form. "WELL SHES MY MATE"Jax yelled and turned into his wolf form.

They fought teeth showing and claws out. Jax was a black wolf with a obsidian Jewel on his chest. Parker was a brown wolf with bright green eyes. Jax attacked first and after you couldn't really tell who was hitting who. I stood there watching when finally Parker bit down on Jaxs neck. He let out a loud howl, I ran to Jax and pushed Parker off of him. " J-Jax" I said my voice cracking.

Jax shifted and jumped on top of me, "Are you really that stupid to get involved with a wolf fight"he said still on me. " You were hurt of course I got involved" I practically yelled . " Still, well I guess the packs not going to meet you tonight" he said picking me up and throwing me in my room. " Tonight you stay here until you learn not to get involved". When he left I started to replay what had happened, his neck was injured and he didn't want me to help. I looked at my hands, they had his blood on them but I didn't care I just sat there listening to him and and Parker fought. What was he going to do when he got up here.
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