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So guys finally I am writing the epilogue.. it’s going to be on Jades p.o.v...

Guys please do read authors note..this time I have many things to say..




    “Scarlett Ruby Black, If you don’t come out from under table right NOW then you are not having any cupcakes.”  I hissed looking at my 4 year old daughter who was hiding under the table. I was only able to see her jet black straight hair, just like his dad.

“but mommy, daddy’s trying to eat me.” said her little winey voice, but I can also hear her giggling. I glared at Seth who was standing beside me trying to hold his laughter.

“Seth?”  he ignored me “Seth?” he again ignored me. “Seth black, if you don’t make you daughter come out in a minute you are sleeping on couch for a month!”  I said sternly. I saw Seth’s eyes widened he knew I was not joking at all.


I just gave him a stern look, Seth signed “ok.”

“mommyy..mommyyy..”  said by son’s baby voice. I was trying to balance him on my hips but kept playing and pulling my hair.

“stop it Nate!” I snapped at him, but my 1 and half year old son just giggled and copied me in his baby voice “swop ik ate.” I couldn’t help so I just smiled looking at my son. He looked mixture of me and Seth. he had same red brown hair like me, his smile was also like me as people say, but he had same beautiful grey eyes like his father with a slight blue in it, but it just big like mine and of cource killer dimples in both the cheeks just like his dad. He was really handful. My mom says he is exactly naughty like I was.

“mommy, I told you daddy will eat me.” I heard my daughter giggling when his dad was blowing raspberries on her tummy. I looked at them and smiled. Scarlett is daddy’s girl, and she is just like her dad calm and collected, for the girl who is 4 year old she is really mature and I am not at all kidding about it.  When she looked at me I glared at her playfully.

She got down from her dads arms and came running towards me and hugged my legs. “I am sowwy mommy.” I kneeled down and kept Nate down who started running around his daddy giggling, this boy keeps giggling all the time.

My daughter was looking at me with puppy eyes, she was just looking she was going to cry. As I told she is just like his dad sensitive, Scarlett doesn’t like when someone gets angry with her. “are you angry with Scarlett mommy.”

“aww, no dear mommy can never get angry with Scarlett!” I said hugging her. she pulled back and gave me her dimple smile, this girl looks so much like his dad it’s scary. Same hair exactly same eyes, same dimple smile.

Her eyes brightened “I love you mommy.”

“I love you too honey, now go with daddy and get ready quickly like a good girl.” I said ruffling her hair. She gave me a confused expression “its Sunday sweetheart.”

“yay we are going to meet Grandpa and Granma.” She squealed.

“yes my princess, now let’s go and get you ready.” Seth said and put5 her on her shoulder. Scarlett squealed and giggled. “daddy, put me down, I will fall.”

“daddy will never let his princess fall.” Seth said running upstairs “you have to get him ready in 15 minutes, all the best.” I heard my husband shout laughing. “jerk.” I mumbled.

love after marriage..is it possible? #YourStoryIndiaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ