chapter 40

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“hey Samina.” I greeted her grinning widely. I was controlling my laughter. She was really looking mad.

“hi jade.”  She replied gritting her teeth. I looked towards Seth and poor man was looking really embarrassed, can’t blame him. He was caught by his employ making out. Ha! And that too by Samina.

“Seth no need to be embarrassed, we are husband and wife. Anyway she should have knocked. No offence Samina.” I said standing besides Seth and tangling my hands with his.

“ya I am sorry, should have knocked.” She said and was leaving when Seth stopped her, “you had some work with me? You can say it now.”

“No nothing important, just wanted to take your signature in some important papers. I will come in some time.” She said and rushed out. Wow seeing  her pissed off and sad made me so happy!! You are such a bad person Jade.

I looked at Seth and he was looking down. Oh god!! He looks so cute all embarrassed!

“will you stop calling me cute!” I heard him say, I looked up shocked.

“oops I said it out loud.” I said chuckling.

“yes you did.” Seth said with scrolling at me.

“why are you so embarrassed. Are you ashamed seeing with me?” I said jokingly, but somewhere I wanted to know is he?

He must have seen my change of my expression as held my face in his palm. “Hey, I can never be ashamed to be seen with you. You are the best thing that had ever happened with me angel. I love you.” Seth said looking in my eyes. I can see he is telling the truth. I nodded my head.

“It's just that, it was unprofessional. Employ seeing boss making out.”  He said scrunching up his nose. God!! He is so damn adorable, like a child.

“yes it sure is you are such a bad boss.” I said keeping straight face. He looked at me guiltily falling for it. I couldn’t help but I started laughing. “you are so gullible.”

“you are not nice with me. “he said crossing his arms and pouting lips, looking like 3 year old kid.

“aww i am sorry baby.” I cooed patting his head.

“let me show you how much of baby I am.” He said narrowing his eyes and was going to pounce on me, when we heard the knock in the door.  Seth composed himself and called the person in. “come in.” He said in professional  tone sounding so damn sexy. I thought. Jade snap out of it, I said to myself.

When I turned to look who decided r to disturb us, it was none other than bloody Sam!!!

“yes Sam, how can I help you?” Seth asked politely.

“you have a meeting.” She said looking at me and smiling fakely.

“oh ya! I completely forgot about it.” 

“sorry Angel I got to go.” He said and pecked me.

“will meet you at our home. Will be waiting for you.”

“I so like the sound of ‘our home’ Angel.” Seth whispered placing his forehead on mine.

We heard someone clearing throat. I forgot that she was standing there.

“I love you angel.” He said and pulled back. I saw Samina’s eyes widened.

Seth was leaving when he stopped and the door, and looked at me “oh angel, i completely forgot. Be ready for our date till 8.” Seth said and left winking at me. i looked at him smiling. I love him. I wanted to shout at him and tell him that i love you too!! Maybe tonight!!!

Yes tonight I am gonna tell him. I know i thought of waiting, but now I can’t wait! My beautiful thought and dream was broken by bitch’s voice.

“Angel! He calls you Angel?” I heard her laughing evilly. I looked at her rolling my eyes and started moving towards the door. I really don’t want to spoil my date day hearing her talk bullshit!!

“he doesn’t know that you are devil that killed my brother right?” that did it my fist clenched.  I looked towards her narrowing my eyes at her. She was standing there arms crossed across her chest and smirking at me. in a swift moment I was in front of her looking directly in her eyes.“I.DID.NOT.KILLED.NATE.” I said glaring draggers at her. She gulped and smirked left her face. “for once stop bieng jealous bitch and stop blaming me.” I hissed. I again started leaving, I could have said many more things but I was not in mood.

“you killed him.” I heard her shout.

I turned her and all I saw was red. “it was a bloody damn accident!!!” I shouted tears were formed in my eyes. Why can’t she let me live peacefully? I know that nowadays I don’t think about Nate so much, but I still miss him, I still love him.

“stop lying you bitch.” I heard samina shouting.

I grabbed her shoulder. “I am lying? You are the one who lied!! You lied that my husband slept with you. Yesterday he confessed that he loves me.” I said smirking at her. Hateful expression passed her face. She slapped my hand away from her shoulder.

“yes I lied. I fucking lied to save his life.” I raised my eyebrow. Save his life? Has she finally lost her mind?

“you will kill him also.” She suddenly whispered. I looked up at her like she had three heads. What the hell is she saying?

“you will kill him also.” She repeated, I was going to snap at her to keep her mouth shut when she hissed. “Seth! You will kill him also.” I froze in the place.

“w-what a-are you trying to say?” I asked her. Oh god!! I now get it she is saying I will kill Seth?!! This women is nutcase!!!!

“I am trying to say you are unlucky stubborn bitch. Your stubbornness will make him suffer, and  will kill him.” She said smirking.

“you need help, you defiantly need help Samina.” I said shooking my head.

“you should get out of his life! He is better without you. He will be happy with me. why do always come and steal away my love!! Why can’t you just DIE!!” Samina shouted shoving my shoulder. I balanced myself.


“Samina Seth is married. He loves me. you should move on!!” I whispered looking  at her, she was looking weird. I don’t know but something was wrong with her!!

She came and grabbed my hair!! “no no he loves me!!” 

It hurted  like a bitch. I was trying to break free, but her hold was tight. I used my whole strength and pushed her back. She stumbled. God she have lost her mind, i need to talk to her with patience. She was looking really dangerous standing there glaring at me. it was strange that no one has come hearing all this shouting. Maybe wall are noise proof?

I signed. You need to talk to her calmly Jade. “see samina. I know you love Nate he was your brother, but he was also my boyfriend. I loved him. His time came and he has gone for good. He is in better place now!!” i said sweetly. I was shocked that I was talking so sweetly with her, but she was behaving like mad women.

“I used to love him?!!!” she shouted.

“I know Sami-“ I was trying to console her, but when she said the next words. It  made me numb. I was beyond shocked.

“but he loved you!!!” samina shouted grabbing my shoulder and shaking me.







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