chapter 52

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I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing. “uhh who the hell is calling at this time?” I mumbled and picked up the phone. I tried to avoid it, but I think person has decided to disturb me.

“hello.” I answered yawing.

“merry christmassss....” I heard my annoying best friends voice through the phone. She yelled so loudly that I had to move the phone a bit far from my ear.

“will you please avoid shouting?” I said lying down again in the bed. “anyway merry Christmas to you too.” I said smiling a bit as she didn’t broke our tradition. She always calls me at Christmas because her family goes at her aunt place and she has to go there, so she can’t meet me.

“merry Christmas babes.” I heard Sid's voice.

“merry Christmas to you to Sid. You both are together? I thought Piya  must be at her aunts place?” I asked getting up and standing at the balcony.

The view of the balcony was breathe taking it was white Christmas I have to say. There is not so much snow but some is there. cold breeze was giving me goose bumps in my bare arms. I just love winters, there is so much silence here.

“are you listening to me?” Piya’s loud voice bring me out of my dream world.

“sorry what were you saying?” I asked walking towards the kitchen I need coffee.

“I was saying that I didn’t go to my aunts place, so I can meet you and I can give you gift.” Piya squealed.

“really!!!that’s great.” I squealed back. It was really a big thing for us as she is never here for Christmas we exchange our new year and Christmas gifts together at the new year and hopefully this year will be some different! As I dint want to be alone at Christmas.

“ok, so meet me at my place till 7 ok?” Piya asked.

“ok.” I said as I didn’t had anything else to do anyway.

As Piya kept the phone I made myself some coffee and went towards the bookstore taking gift along with me. walk towards the store was amusing, I was seeing how people had decorated their homes from outside, how some people where wearing Santa’s dress and roaming here and there.

Seeing this I remembered how when I was 13 then Nate came at my place wearing Santa’s dress and giving me gift. Those were some days. Christmas was his favourite. He use to keep a Christmas party every year, and also give me loads of gifts and chocolates. I reached store and wiped my tears.

Our store was Also beautifully decorated, I went inside and wished everyone, whole day was gone in blur, I gave everyone in the store the gift I brought them and they too gave me gifts, as always Seth was there at the store and I avoided him. it was 6 and I was walking towards home to keep my gifts and get ready to go at Piya’s place.

The thing that stocked me was that Seth didn’t gave me a gift. I was expecting a gift. I obviously would have rejected that but then too! Urghhh stop thinking about it Jade. Maybe I am thinking because I bought him a gift? yes I don’t know why but I had bought him a gift obviously I didn’t gave it to him, but I just liked it when I saw it.

I rushed home wore  a plain red and white dress and went at Piya’s place. it was just me Piya and Sid like old days, we watched movie, exchange gifts, had food, cut the cake too. I really had fun with them. I also went at mom and dad’s place before going to Piya’s and gave them gifts. They too gave me my gifts.

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