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AN: Requested by: Thatambrosefan I PLAYED ALL OF YOU I CAME BACK TODAY!!

Renee walks into her and Dean's house angrily. She throws her things into a suitcase and starts to leave.

She sees Dean staring at her with sad eyes, she tries to look unaffected, but he looks so adorable.

"I'm sorry." Dean says quietly.

Renee is stunned, she's never heard Dean apologize before.

"Well, that's not good enough."

Dean sighs, "I don't get why you're mad."

"You cheated on me with that freak Paige! How should I feel?" She yells angrily.

Dean stands up straight, "Well maybe if you were making out with Corey Graves, I would of been with you. Didn't think I knew about that, did ya?"

Renee's ears burn as she feels guilty. She did cheat on him first.

"Doesn't mean you cheat back on me!" She yells trying her best to defend herself, but failing.

He laughs at the stupidity of what she said, "If you cheat, that usually means you don't want who you're dating anymore. If you didn't want me, why would I keep trying?"

"If you care you keep trying!" She yells.

"Why are you yelling? You're just mad that I'm telling the truth? What ever made you think that I don't care. I always cared! I always will care! You were the only person I ever loved and you cheated on me! So I did whatever I could to not fall apart, and if that was so called 'cheating on you' then I don't regret it at all!" His face turns bright red as he yells.

"I... I didn't know you loved me." She says looking down.

"I did, but you love Corey."

"I don't love him, I love you. I'll always love you." She says walking closer to him.

"Then why were you with Corey?"

"I... I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry. It's just... My dad died earlier that day and I was doing the same as you... Trying to not fall apart. Corey comforted me and my mind wasn't right. I'm sorry." She says looking at the ground, tears streaming down her face.

Dean's bends down and looks in her eyes, "Why didn't you tell me?" He says and holds her hands.

She shrugs, "I thought you wouldn't wanna hear it. You always get uncomfortable when I talk about family, I understand why... I didn't want to make you feel bad for me."

He hugs her, "You can tell me everything. I love you, Renee. I'm sorry about everything."

"I love you too." She hugs him back tightly.

Dean pulls away and picks up her suitcase, "I'll put this away for you."

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