Chapter Twenty Nine: Amulet

Start from the beginning

I planned everything in a rush and since I'm the alpha they made it for me in 10 days which I was great full for.

I set up the lights because I wanted this to be special and I had people decorate around with candles and beautiful Rose's how cliché, also with white lights all around. "Your beautiful" I said she instantly turned around and rolled her eyes at me. Wow there's goes the perfect moment.

"Your so cheesy" she said smiling and putting her tiny hands on my shoulders.

"Is that all you wanted to say?" I asked raising an eyebrow and placing my hands on her waist which automatically send sparks up my body.

"Yup" she said popping the 'p'. She laughed as she saw my reaction. Then kissed me on the cheek which I wasn't ready for. I grabbed her hand in mine and walked her inside the gazebo.

It was dark out side but you could still see the hints of dark blue in the sky and the perfect bright stars shinning. Today there was a full moon and since I was an alpha and I've already went through the transition I didn't have to shift tonight.

"You ordered a violinist?" Rosalina looked shocked while she stared at the man in the corner of the gazebo starting to play soft music. I nodded with a check grin.

She smiled widely and didn't argue. I wanted tonight to be perfect and if I had to pay a guy a fifty dollars an hour to play a musical instrument than I would. I would for the girl I will love for the rest of my life.

I held her against me and whispered something in her ear. "May I have this dance Rosalina Newman?" I asked ever so quietly.

I felt her tiny body shiver against mine I knew I had that affect on her which put a smirk on my face. She looked up at me as her face turned red slowly.

"Um- I can't dance, I-I mean I can dance, but not slow dance. I haven't before" she said stuttering and looking at her feet. I held her chin as her chocolate brown eyes came to my view.

"Its okay, I'm not that fond of slow dancing either" I said smiling she giggled and held my hand as we stood in the middle of the gazebo.

My right hand held hers as my left hand came behind her back. Rosalina's other hand made its way on the crook of my shoulder. The music played as I slowly guided her with melody of the music. I stared directly at her with an expression I couldn't make out.

She looked so beautiful with her red dress on which was my favorite color and her beautiful body which made my whole body react too. Her makeup wasn't too much, but I always thought Rosalina looked beautiful without makeup. Her red lips stood out the most I just wanted to grab her and kiss her and even if she told me stop I wouldn't, I couldn't.

This is the girl I want to be I want to be with for the rest of my life. I can't believe that I almost lost her it would never happen again. I don't want anyone but Rosalina to be mine forever.

Rosalina slowly shifted in my arms realizing that I was staring at her. She let go of my hand and just rested her head on my chest as her tiny arms went around my back like a hug. I held her waist and slowly danced to the music while holding my beautiful mate.

I couldn't see her face but I knew enough that she was blushing. I wanted her to be comfortable around me not to be nervous and it was slowly working.

It felt like we were dancing for what felt like hours. I needed to tell Rosalina a lot of things tonight and I wasn't letting anything slip out of my reach tonight. She had a lot of questions that needed to be answered and I was gonna give them to her.

"Rosalina?" I whispered.

"Mhmm" she hummed.

"Com'on I have something else to show you" I said holding her tender body against mine we were so close I felt like we were one.

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