Chapter 22

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"I'm just joking dear, I'm proud of you for finally growing up." The red headed woman told Serenity.

"Wait, you're not mad?" Serenity asked.

Serenity's mom just shook her head.

"But what about revenge? What about getting even for all those that we lost?"

"What about it? It's our history, but you... you may have just given us a new future."


Three years later

Grant looked at Serenity in their home. She was sleeping with their daughter on her shoulder and their son on her lap. The labs were able to do a DNA blend thingy so the children, while not created the normal way, had both their parents DNA and traits.

He gently kissed her forehead and she stirred at his touch. Serenity's eyes opened and found his. "Hey." She whispered with a smile.

"Hey yourself. Let's put the kids to bed." She nodded and slowly got up, before handing over their daughter.

"They're so beautiful." She whispered to Grant as they lay them down in their cribs. "I never thought anything like this could happen. I'm so, so lucky." She turned to him and gently cupped the side of his face. "We're so lucky."

"Yeah, we are." He replied, turning his face to kiss her palm. "How're things going with the peace?" He asked guiding her out of the room.

"Well, we're having some problems, from both sides." Serenity said with a frown. "But we'll get through it, we have so far."

Grant smiled and took her hand. "You'll do just fine. But I should probably do my part and make you forget about them till later." He smirked suggestively as he tossed her on the bed.

Serenity giggled and pulled him down to her. "You have your work set out for you then." She said seconds before their lips met.

A cry from the kids room stopped them from going further. Grant froze then groaned as he got up to care for the unhappy child.

Serenity was left with her thoughts for a few. True, there were trouble makers and in all honesty there probably always would be. But things were working out. Her people didn't have to hide, and there was a sense of peace for all involved. It was... nice.

She looked over as Grant crept back into the room. "Now... where were we?" He asked, and her face broke out into a huge grin. As long as there were people like him in the world they'd make it. She'd make it work.

"I really love you, you know that?" She asked him, pulling him closer.

"I really love you too." He said with a smile as he wrapped her in his arms.

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