Chapter 10

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After Grant went to a few stores and parks he decided to begin slowly making his way home. It was nearly 2:30 when he got to the apartments. He walked to the second story and realized for the first time how filthy they looked. There was mold along the walls and filth spread up them. Something looked to be moving in one spot. With a shudder he turned away and began walking to his apartment. He wasn't a neat freak, but something was wrong with you if you think that that kind of mess is okay.

Grant pulled out his key and almost silently unlocked the door. He stepped in as quietly as he could-but the door screeched at his arrival. With a wince he looked toward the couch. There was no-one there. One of two possibilities, either Nathen went to sleep in his room, or he was still up waiting for Grant. 

It turned out to be the later of the two, Grant found when he stepped into the room, locked the door, and effectively got rid of his escape route. He turned around and saw his father standing a few feet in front of him, blocking his way to his room. 

He sat down on the couch, covering his face for the beating he was sure to receive. As much as he hated submitting he understood why his father was heavy handed.

He knew Nathen didn't want this life for him. Instead he wanted nothing but the best school education, loving girlfriend then wife. He didn't want to see Grant living in apartments like these- instead a big and beautiful house, a good job. Knowing all this is what his father wanted from him and knowing that he thought his son was trying to throw it away is what led Grant to openly submit himself.

Nathen understood his sons gesture- as much as he could through the haze in his mind. Yet Grant still needed to be punished for fighting in school, then ditching, and now staying after hours. "You know it's not going to be pretty." He said in a gruff voice.

"I know. I'm sorry I've been messing up a lot recently, do what you feel you have to."

"I love you."

Grant grunted the first punch, but soon he was crying out at every blow. His body felt like it was hammered between to bricks until the bricks broke. The discipline session lasted until 3am, not long, but it was more than enough.

"Clean up, go to bed and then go to school in the morning." Grant nodded his understanding. "You're going to school tomorrow.'' He started turning away. "And Grant," he froze. "This will not happen again. I don't want this to be a routine." Nathen said.

Grant walked away and ran hot water for a bath. He decided to wipe up the really bloody parts before he got in so he could have clean water for a little bit longer. He lowered himself in the water and began rubbing the raw skin to get out dirt and grime.

Once out and dry he went to bed. Laying down he thought, "Serenity, what are you doing to me?" Deciding he would get as much information about her as he could later today, he put her from his mind. Instead he thought of Amber. Maybe they should meet up soon, her body always helped his.

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