Chapter 11

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Amber woke up at 6 to start her daily beautification process. She set off to the showers and ran the hot water before hopping in. She let the water work out her tense muscles and wake her up. She lathered herself with 'Sweet Temptation' then massaged strawberry shampoo and conditioner through her hair. Her phone went off, telling her it was 6:30. 

She got out and dried off, settling the towel on her head and walking naked to her room. Once there she threw open her vast closet and began choosing her outfit. Today was the day she was going to crush Serenity, she wanted to look her very best. 

Amber decided on denim short shorts, a pink and black stripped shirt, with a black leather jacket and thigh high black high heels to fit it all together. Next she straightened her hair except for the tips, Amber  left them curly. And finally (as far as clothing) she showered herself in perfume.

By now it was almost 7:40. Next was her makeup. She carefully did her eyes with pink eyeshadow, and black eyeliner and mascara. Added a little blush to make her cheeks rosy and a pink sparkly lip gloss from Victoria Secret. Now she was almost done. 

Amber went downstairs to her parents' enormous kitchen. Her mother was cooking french toast by the smell and her father was waiting for his meal and reading the newspaper. Amber gracefully sat, knowing she'd get reprimanded for not acting like a lady if she plopped down to the table. 'They don't mind if I have a hundred boys over, claiming it's a learning experience, but I can't sit down with out elegance 'cause that's a lack of class.' She thought to herself.

"Amber you're mother and I are going to leave tonight for dinner with the board. Would you like to come with?" Her fathers deep voice rumbled to her.

"No, I have better things to do tonight daddy." He nodded mutely. The only reason he really offered was to make her feel included and they both knew it. "Daddy, can I have a party while you and mummy are away?" 

He looked down at his daughters puppy dog eyes. Then he looked up at his wife's. They had a silent conversation for a minute before he turned back to his newspaper. "I don't mind as long as everything is cleaned up and everyone is gone by 11."

Amber jumped up. "Thank you so much daddy!" She squealed. Then she ran over to her mom, knowing she had to do with her fathers decision. "Thank you mom." she whispered. Then turned quickly on her heel, running for the door. "Going to school, love you bye bye!"

"Have a good day Miss Amber." a few of the maids whispered to her as she continued to her pink PT Cruiser. She hopped in and began the drive to school with a smile. Serenity had no idea what was coming.


Serenity got to school a little later than usual. Her satin thigh high dress and white over shirt and heels had taken Anasty a while to find.  Walking through the gates she saw Grant talking with another boy. They both moved over to her when they saw her and she stopped to wait for them. 

"Hey, Serenity." Grant greeted her, taking in her loose thigh high dress and heels he immediately got a bit riled. Seeing it lift and move in the wind didn't help.

"Hello Grant." She said with a smile. 

Grant saw her look questioningly at Matt and decided he should introduce them, before Matt made an ass out of himself. "This is Matt. He's been my friend since grade school." He added.

"Well," Serenity turned to Matt. "It's nice to meet you. As you heard I'm Serenity. I'm new." she added.

"Well of coarse your new. I keep an eye on all the hotties' so since I don't recognize you..." He left his sentance hanging, distracted by her giggle. 

"It's nice to know you think I'm hot." She said with a smile.

"Seriously, you wanna bang?" 

'And he opens his mouth.' Thought Grant. 

"Bang?" Serenity asked curiously. 

"Ya, as in get it on." Matt said.

"I am not sure I follow...?" 

"Get with it? Fucking? Spreading the petals? Being in the throws? Feeling the flow? Shibow?"

Deciding to save Serenity he quickly grabbed her arm, and tried to pull her in the opposite direction. He was met by resistance though, looking back she hadn't moved and didn't seem to notice him tugging her arm. He gave a hard jerk and she got the hint, turning with him. 

"Please forgive Matt. He is a very hormonal boy who can't keep it in his pants." Serenity looked confused. "He wants to have sex." There. He put as bluntly as he could. Finally comprehension dawned on her features and her lips made an 'o'. 

'She is so sexy.' Grant though, then decided the thought wasn't helping his earlier problem -as he looked down- and he tried to change his train of thought.

Suddenly Amber appeared out of no-where before Grant.

Serenity saw her coming though and made her eyes as cold looking as possible.

"Look Serenity, I think we got off on the wrong foot." She turned her head toward Serenity and felt instantly cold. Her blue eyes were like ice, freezing Amber in her place for just a moment, until she broke eye contact. 

'She looks weak, or embarrassed in front of Serenity.' Thought Grant. 'Not good in Amber's case.'

"I wanted to warn you. I'm not someone you want to be enemies with." Amber continued still avoiding Serenity's gaze. She knew it made her look shy or indecisive, but she also knew she would freeze up and not be able to finish if she looked up now. " I want you to know I'm giving you a chance to take back what happened before it becomes war." 

Now she did look up to Serenity's eyes. In Amber's eyes she saw she meant what she said. Even if she didn't know how ignorant she was being. 

"I won't apologize for defending myself." Serenity stated flatly.

"I wasn't attacking you and I'm not saying you should say sorry for that."

Serenity gave her a 'oh really' look and waited.

"I was letting you apologize for breaking the status quo and trying to undermine me." Amber said with such severity that Serenity thought Amber believed the crap she was spouting.

"Listen here bitch girl." Serenity began and Grant knew there was going to be a fight of some sort. "I don't take orders from anyone. Let alone a whore like you. I refuse to apologize and the only reason you dare try to make me, is because you know I'm your better, not your equal. Now run along with your tail between your legs and let the war begin." 

Amber turned bright red and began shaking. "You have no idea what I'm capable of so you better watch you step." She said fiercely, but that only made her look more silly than before.

"No." Serenity replied. "YOU don't know what I'M capable of." 

Amber looked into her eyes and saw so many menacing thoughts appear in them and became - for the first time ever truly afraid. "We'll see." She said with as much force as she could muster, which wasn't that much at the moment. Quickly she turned around and began twitching her way through the crowd that had accumulated somewhere during that little tiff.

"Yes we will." Serenity whispered. 

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