Chapter 17

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Grant woke up feeling surprisingly energized. Who knew one night with Serenity could energize someone so much? Continuing to think of Serenity and how he'd see her at school he got up and showered for school. After that Grant even cooked breakfast for him and his father.

They ate in silence, but Nathen was surprised by his sons change in attitude. He kept looking at Grant while eating. "Woke up nicely?" He asked.

"Yeah." A smile played on Grants face.

"Well I'm glad. You know... for your.... good mood." Nathen said awkwardly.

"Thanks. I'm going to school. See you." Grant said getting up and putting his plate in the sink.

"OK." Nathen decided he would start fixing up Grants car. After all since that night there were no more incidents, and it was about time that he didn't have to walk everywhere.

Grant walked out of the apartment and slowly made his way to school. Along the way he thought he saw Serenity, but when he waved she didn't even glance over. Grant looked at the ground. Had it been different for her? Had it just been a story then sex? Shaking his head he dismissed the thought. He had accepted her and all of her kind. Why would she refuse him after that and such a intimate gesture?

Grant walked the rest of the way to school with doubts constantly threatening to overshadow his possitive morning. When he reached the gate Amber was there waiting for him.

"Hey G." She smiled and began playing with his shoulder.

"What is it Amber?" Grant asked without much enthusiasm.

"Oh, nothing too much." Amber promised pouting. "I just noticed you didn't go to my party last night. I was expecting you to be there... Besides you've never skipped out on me before. I just... I had a bad day and wanted you to make it all better."

Understanding what she meant immediatly Grant smirked. "All your boytoys still can't treat you like I can huh?" She looked down in an attempt to look ashamed, but Grant knew her too well. Amber would never be ashamed about her ever changing desires. "I'm not interested." He told her bluntly, then removed her hand and began walking over to Matt who was trying-and failing- to talk to girls succssfully.

"It's because of her isn't it?" Amber didn't need to clarify who. They both knew she was talking about Serenity.

"Yeah, it is."


Serenity decided to drive to school. She didn't want to see Grant. She had already decided today would be her last day. After today there would be no need to go back. If Grant did manage to get to talk to her then she would crush him. A little part of Serenity's chest panged at the idea, but she reminded herself that leaving Grant out of it was better for her, her coven, and him. Whether or not he knew it was a different story. Serenity knew that after yesterday it would seem like she was only in it for the sex. 'Let him draw his own conclusions.' She thought.

James- the driver- pulled up to the school and went to open the door for her. Before she could step out though he asked her a question. "Is it really necissary to come back here?"

"To tie up loose ends and get the first of our pawns, yes. Don't worry today will be the last day."

James nodded and helped her out. "Take care princess. It is imperative you are safe. Besides I like what you are wearing."

Serenity looked down at her white ruffled skirt and light blue shirt. She nodded then walked to the gate.

Right away she saw Amber hanging on Grant and jealousy flared through her. She actually stopped walking to get her emotions under control. Of course it didn't matter if they ended up together. Why should she care? She was tearing Grant out of her system slowly, and soon he'd realize it, but by then it would be to late.

Serenity started walking again and saw Grant's friend Matt trying to pick up girls for later. Looking across the school campus she saw more familiar faces and another human pang went through her. When had she started caring-even a little bit-about these mortals she wondered. She continued walking and sat in her first class early. Mr. J was already in his class preparing for first hour.

"Hello Serenity." He said as she sat staring at him. He looked up as she nodded accepting that he was there, but also showing something was on her mind. Slowly Mr. J. put down his papers and walked over to Serenity as no one else was in the classroom. "What's up? You seem tense."

"Well..." Serenity hesitated then decided to play the innocent schoolgirl role. "I didn't seem to make many friends so far. I keep trying, but I'm leaving today and no one is going to miss me." She pouted and let her voice waver.

Mr. J bought the whole act. "I'll miss you. You are intellegent, a good student and a beautiful woman."

"Really?" Serenity asked as she put her head down. She knew Grant would walk in any minute, she could hear his calm breathing as he walked down the hallway.

"How 'bout I prove it to you?" The teacher said then lifted her chin so they were face to face. Slowly he leaned in and kissed her. She didn't resist. Despite his older age Mr. J's lips were smooth and hard and Grant had to see this to know they were over. That she hadn't chosen him.

Mr. J sat pulled her over to his desk, sat down and put her on his lap, all the while still kissing her. His hands worked their way up her thighs to skin just above her hips.

Grant chose that fabulous moment to walk in. Mr. J jumped and pushed her off him, gently. "Can I help you Mr. Pett?" He asked in a slightly hoarse voice.

"What the hell were you doing touching Serenity like that?" Grant asked in a choked whisper. "She's a student, you're a teacher. Ther is NO WAY you could ever do that, it's illegal!" Grant had gotten his voice back as his surprise and hurt ebbed into anger.

"Mr. Pett I am sure you don't want to start this. Miss. Ray was completely willing for our interactions and it isn't any of your business anyway. If you bother trying to report this your faulty record and background will be brought up and no-one will beleive you. You see Grant, you lose either way."

Grant looked at Serenity now. "Is this true Serenity? Does yesterday not matter?" Grant was solely focused on her. There was no way this was happening. It was impposible. This COULDN'T be happening.

"I'm a big girl who's had enough time to mature and be old enough to make my own decisions." Only they had caught the double meaning in her words. "I'm doing what's best for you. It's dangerous to be with me." Serenity said, her eyes beginning to darken with unshed tears.

Grant could tell she was being serious, but he could also tell that saying these words and doing this to him hurt her. Probably more than she would admit even to herself. He understood she was trying to keep him safe, but she had to realize he was hurting too. "Come on Serenity." He looked at Mr. J. "Can we have a minute? There's like that much time before class starts so you won't miss much."

The teacher mumbled a confirmation and walked to the walkway, shutting the door begind him.

"Please Grant. Please don't do this. If you get involved wit hmy coven we will either have to kill you or make you a part of our plan. Which you may or may not live from. I love you." There she'd said it. It was out in the open, making the silence tensionfilled. "I love you, and couldn't live with myself if you died because of me. I couldn't go through that again." Tears of blood ran down her face as she openly cried in front of him.

"I'm sorry." Grant had barely managed to push the words out. "I'm sorry, but even after all this crazy shit that's turned my life upside down, inside out and backwards, I love you. I won't let you go. I've waited my whole life for you, I can't let you go."

"But we can't be together so where does that leave us?" Serenity asked Grant.

"Romeo and Juliet. We will be together, we just have to get everyone to get along. You will open up the covens mind to a joint world and I'll do the same for the humans." Grant said it like it was an easy enough answer and Serenity pointed that out.

"You say it in such a nonchaloaunt manner. We both know it will be hard. Heaven itself would have to help."

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