Chapter 18

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Amber saw Serenity and Grant talking in History 4. Luckily Serenity was wearing white today and she could begin her 1st line of attack. Petty and small as it was it was still the beginning and that's what counts. 

She walked up to Serenity's seat. Class had started about 40 minutes ago, but Mr. J's lecture was done so the class had the next 15 minutes free. "So." Amber said getting Serenity's attention off Grant and onto her- where it belonged.

"So? That's your fabulous word? You're pathetic, illiterate, and not worth my time. Leave me alone and go away." Serenity said obviously bothered.

Quickly biting down her anger Amber replied. "Sadly you're not in luck today. I don't like how you try to be above me, and how you look at my man. Therefore-" She undid the lid on her bottle and poared fake blood on Serenity's white skirt. The red quickly soaked through to the back and effectively made her look like she had a very bad run in with aunt flow. "I think you should get over yourself."

By now the class had noticed their disagreement and had come to see what was up. Everyone noticed her white skirt and looked at either Amber with curiosity, or Serenity with disgust. A couple of Amber's followers chorused "Eww. How disgusting. Nasty." Mr. J looked up at this, but then got back to preparing for his next class.

That was all it took for the class to break out into havoc. Amber looked down into Serenity's eyes wanting to see her crash and burn, but instead Amber froze. 

'What is wrong with her? How could she be so unaffected? And why, why, oh, why is she-'

"It's amazing how low you'll stoop to feel big." Serenity said while smiling. She let Amber see all the anger she'd accumulated since she'd been on Earth. Every. Last. Bit. And Amber felt like she made the wrong move, and she'd never be able to make everything all right in her life after this point on.

Disgust shot through her. Disgust, and shame. The boys looking looked at Amber like she was disgusting. They weren't supposed to do that, not after this. They were supposed to think she was amazing and grovel for her attention. Why did Serenity always manage to get their attention in a good way. Why couldn't she compete?!

"Because you are weak and self absorbed." Serenity said as if reading her mind, and stood up. Grabbing her bag Serenity walked through the classroom. At the door she said in a low voice that was meant for Amber: "I'll see you after school."


Grant couldn't get this mornings events out of his head. He hadn't seen Serenity since the incident in History. Again she had skipped school. 

"Hey man, you okay?" Matt asked him. "You've been distracted all day."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just got a lot on my mind." 

The bell rang, saving Grant from further questioning from his friend. Grant walked out of English and into the rapidly filling hallway. He knew Matt meant well but it was annoying. Now it was the end of the day, he could go home and-

Long golden ringletts passed across his vision. Then Serenity turned and Grant saw her dazzling blue eyes. "I guess this is goodbye." She said as they were pushed out the school doors.

It took a moment for Grant to get over her beauty and process what she had said. "What? No! We talked about this Serenity." Looking at her now Grant remembered on the first day of class how he'd thought she didn't fit her name. In this instance he was wrong. Her hair flowed around her voluptuous body, her sapphire eyes were calm and lit up her fair face. She had changed skirts and now had a black one on, which contrasted nicely with her ice blue shirt. Yes, she looked serene.

"This is for your own good Grant. If I know anything, it's that I need you safe. So please, please listen to me. Do this for me." Then she vanished into the mass of teenage bodies swarming out the gates. And that was that, Grant effectively lost her. 


"Today wasn't so bad." Amber's voice cut into Serenity's thoughts as she waited in the back seat of Amber's car. "No, no I got revenge on this bitch who thought she was better than everyone." Clearly she was on the phone. "Yup, there's defiantly going to be a party. Ugh, please don't bring him, he drinks all the beer. Yeah, yeah. Okay see you then bye."

With a snap Amber closed her phone and got in her car. It wasn't until she got half way to her house that she saw Serenity in her backseat. The breaks squealed as Amber smashed her foot into the pedal.

"What are you doing here?" She practically demanded.

"You are very unobservant." Stated Serenity. "I was waiting for you to notice me for-" she checked the clock on Amber's phone-"25 minutes. At least there's no-one around."

It was true, Amber had taken a back road and was at least 3 miles from any civilization. All around them there was grassy fields and trees, the world was lost for a little while in this place of peace.

"What are you going to do?" 

"Well..." A sly smile found it's way onto Serenity's face as she noticed the look of terror on Ambers face. "I'm going to introduce you to my family. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you wont. Let's begin shall we?"

Moving as quickly as she could Amber darted out of the car and ran towards the woods. Serenity let her think she got away, then practically appered next to Amber. "This is boring, you move to slow." Serenity felt Amusement and fulfillment as Amber's high pitched scream cut through the air. 

Serenity grabbed Amber in a gesture somewhat like a hug and ran back to her home. There was no need to stop or seem suspicious so she didn't. Only when she was inside her underground home did she let go of a shocked Amber.

Amber teetered and fell. She was so out of it she didn't notice when other people started joining the room. Only when Serenity started talking did she seem to notice whatever was going on was worse than whatever happened at the car and that made Serenity smile again. 

"My dear dear people. I have finally come up with a plan." Silently the coven leaned in closer, eager for more details about their rise. "Each day I will bring home one more human, each day ONE of you will claim the mortal and try to influence it for our cause. You may use whatever action seems to work, but if the human fails to learn I suppose we'll just have to kill it." Amber's head jerked up to look into Serenity's face. Without looking from the younger girl's face Serenity said "And we don't want that, do we?"

All around them there were chuckles and grins from her fulfilled coven. There was an expectant feeling around them and the vampires were finally ready to put their queen's plan into action.

"Study this girl. Who among you thinks that you will best influence her?" Serenity's question filled the room and hung in the air until a small, black child who integrated into being part of the coven some time ago came forward.

"I'd like to try Miss." 

Smiling Serenity looked her up and down. She knew Lilac was small and gentle, but when she was angry she was mean and vicious. "I think you'll fit her very well. Remember though Lilac, humans are fragile, don't kill her as she's training." 

Serenity left the coven to converge on Amber and went outside, already thinking of who to bring tomorrow. Probably an emotional or scene kid, they would get along better with the coven than Amber was going to.

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