Oh Brother, Pt. 2 ↣ Phil

Start from the beginning

"Why not?" You whine.

"Because," Dan scoffs as he starts to leave. "I'm pretty sure Phil doesn't want to be bothered by my little sister."

Yeah, that's what you think.


"Take that Phil!"

"What? No! Dammit!"


"Shut up! You're distracting me!"

"Oh, I'm distracting you, am I?"

"Yes! Shhhhhhine a light!"

You can't help but frown as you listen to your brother and his best friend—your secret boyfriend—play Mario Kart downstairs.

"Come on, I was so close!"

"Yeah, so close to last place!"

"Sixth place isn't bad!"

"Oh come on Phil!"

Finally, you can't take it anymore. After Dan left your room this morning, you changed into your favorite band tee and skinny jeans, so you all you have to do is walk downstairs and spend time with your boyfriend.

There's just one problem...your brother.

You ponder whether or not you should tell Dan about Phil as you walk downstairs. You decide it's better left a secret.

You take a deep breath before walking—casually, of course—into the lounge.

"Hey guys," you wave.

Waving? Really, (Y/N)?

Dan and Phil, who are sitting on the floor rather than the couch, lower their Wii remotes and look up at you.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Phil chirps.

You smile dreamily as you picture the adorable Snapchat puppy filter on him.

"(Y/N)," Dan says through gritted teeth. "I thought you said you weren't gonna bother us..."

You shrug your shoulders. "I got bored. Could I play with you guys?" You nod toward the Wii remote in Phil's hand.

"No," Dan states simply.

"Oh, come on, Dan!" Phil whines, pouting at his best friend. "Let her play! Please?"

Dan glares at Phil for a moment, then finally sighs.

"Fine," he huffs. "Grab a remote and we'll start a new game."

You smile and sit down next to your brother. You wanted to sit next to Phil, but that'd be too obvious.

So now it's you, Dan, then Phil. Your brother has come between you. Literally.

You select your favorite Mario character and kart, and the game begins.

The entire time, you can't help but exchange secret glances with Phil. It feels strange, almost exciting, to have something that's all your own. Your life has always been shared with your older brother, but not anymore. Now you have something, someone, that's yours. And you're his. And it's one of the best feelings in the world.

After a long time of playing, Dan announces he's going to pause the game and grab a snack.

"Don't cheat while I'm gone," he jokes.

"How could we cheat at Mario Kart?" Phil laughs.

"You never know Phil, (Y/N) here could be a world class hacker."

You roll your eyes, and Phil looks over at you.

"I doubt she's a hacker," he smiles.

Dan says something then, but you don't hear him. You're too lost in those sparkling green-blue-yellow eyes, that sideways smile that's too pure for this Earth.

"Did you get my Snapchats this morning?" Phil asks once Dan is gone.

You smile and nod. "They were so cute! Especially the dog one."

Phil laughs. "I wish that was my face all the time."

"Mmm, I like your normal face better," you say, scooting closer to him.

Now that Dan is gone, the only thing separating you and Phil is empty space.

Phil closes that empty space pretty quickly.

He leans in and presses his lips to yours. You close your eyes and smile into the kiss.

"I don't just love you," Phil mumbles against your lips. "I'm in love with you. It's..." he kisses you again, then smiles. "It's so much more."

A deep blush warms your cheeks.



You and Phil immediately pull away and look up.

Dan is standing there, eyes wide, jaw dropped.

"Dan!" You exclaim. "I—"

"I leave for one bloody second and you two are all over each other?!" Dan yells, stomping his foot. "Are you actually kidding me?! My best friend! Behind my back! Haven't you learned anything from last time, (Y/N)?!"

You blush furiously from embarrassment and look down. Memories of your ex flood your mind again, and tears pool at the edges of your eyes.

Phil squeezes your hand before standing up to Dan's height.

"Look Dan," he squeaks. He clears his throat and starts again. "I'm still your best friend. Though that might change, if you're mad at me. But I'm in love with your sister, and that's not going to change."

Dan sighs. "Phil, I'm not mad at you. I would never want to change that, ever. But..." Dan smiles sadly. "I'm just worried, that's all. She's my sister. I love her. And I don't want her getting hurt."

Phil takes your hand and helps you stand up. He smiles and gives you a sideways hug.

"I love her too, Dan," Phil says.

"No, I thought you're in love with her," Dan rolls his eyes, a smile playing at his lips.

"It sounds cheesy when you say it," you laugh.

"It was supposed to be cheesy."


I published another book!
It's called "Mute". It's a full-length Tyler Joseph (twenty one pilots) X Reader and it's COMPLETED!
Guys, please please please check this out. I've been working on this since JULY. I've worked so hard on it and it would mean a lot to me if you read it!
And hey, it's kind of ~aesthetic~
{And it's just really really adorable}
Check it out!

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