Authors Note.

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The Last Authors Note.

And its over. Oh what the hell is life?
You amazing people who have stuck with me till now I hope you will in the future too. Pleasee continue to be amazing as always. Thank you so much. This book wouldnt have been what it is now if it weren't for you. I hope your love and support continues.
But this saddens me...*cries uncontrolably*

Also would yall like a sequel? I can't promise but I will try. Gimme a shoutout in the comments!!
What a journey this has been. Whoo!
I know you guys secretly hate me and want to kill me for creating turmoil and a rollercoaster of emotions. I apologise. Nah!It was fun!!Lemme know tho!!

Sadly this ends here as I grab my tissues and teddy to cry. But youll hear from me soon with twisting plots and heart wrenching chapters. *insert evil laugh*
Feel free to call out to me.

And now my friends I bid adieu with a heavy heart!
Adios! Sayonara!

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