15. Life's a Bitch.

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April's POV:
What the actual hell? Is my first thought. Who the hell is this guy who claims that has my mate? This is a serious joke played on me by life. Alex was wild with rage his eyes were dark with anger, like he was in the verge of killing whoever the hell that man was. Seems like they had a long history between them. As far as I knew don't be all vampires have one mate? He could be lying but then Alex turned distraught.
He just walked away while Victor walked towards me. I took a step back.
"Now now no need to run away I'm your mate after all. It's nice meeting you even if I didn't expect it to be this way."
"It's a good thing I don't believe shit you just said the me being your second chance mate and all it is a ploy."
"Ahh you underestimate me darling. I think you need to prepare yourself your up for the ride of your life. "
"It'll be a nightmare I'm sure anywhere you are no ones ever happy your like a shadow cold and heartless."

Alex's POV:
What the hell?
He is back not only that he claims that my wife is his mate. How dare he. I know he has a dark past and all that but this is gotta be a joke. I struggle to contemplate whatever Victor said it just does not make sense. I'm confused I'm breaking cause of the race that building inside me, what to do but most importantly why was he here in the first place? my life's a mess. Could the Wisdomed ones help?
They despised Victor, he was known as the King of Vice because of his dark past, but apart from that could they provide a solution?

They can help They have to.
After pondering, this is what the letter read:

There has arised a serious issue. I won't beat round the bush and get straight to my point. Victor is back. He claims that, April is his second chance mate. Couldn't this be impossible, it has to. I know he has a sort of a dark past and all of it but, all he creates is problems. If it were anything else, I would have handled that but this.. this is about April, something I can't ignore. She is just coming to terms with everything, our lives are absolute turmoil. Him coming back makes it no less than an earthquake.
So I turn to you, The Wisdomed Ones for advice on what should I do, you possess knowledge beyond bounds of past, present, future. I cannot lose her neither can the coven, stand the loss if it occurs to be....
Waiting earnestly,
Alexander Dylan Reed.

I aimless loitered to the library where I found April crying. She kept murmuring things, I couldn't understand, as I got closer the sobs grew louder, making my heart clench in pain. This wasn't supposed to happen. This is not how it should be. I just looked at her, while she poured her heart out, whilst alone, yet she didn't know I would be watching, with my soul twisting in agony just metres away.
I walked and knelt down right in front of her, she completely oblivious to my presence.
I took her hand at once the familiar sparks shooting through my body, that have me the comfort the security that, what we had was not an infatuation but that, what we shared was real that this would exists for eternity and that was enough for my sanity.

April's Pov:
They say sorrow is somewhat an escape from reality. We all need an escape we just need to find ours. The library was one such place. It have me comfort but today I use this place as an escape from my sorrow. I belonged to and with no one else but Alex and this stranger comes and sort of claims me..
This is scary. I was to absorbed in myself I blocked the world around me then I felt him.. he was what I wanted what I needed.
I didn't look up. He called out again, yet again nope. He finally took I my face in his hands and lifted my face. He looked at me with such love that I was melting inside.
"Why does this happen to us?" "Why are our lives a continuous hell ?"
"I don't know." He sighed and held me close to his side.
He noticed the Book of Legends lying next to me. I forgot about it when my emotions took over.
He started flipping through the pages frantically. Maybe it had a solution.

He read a page the information shook us completely.

A prophecy:
The Princess of Light, is blessed by far,
Mated to the Light of the Star.
The trials are set to rise,
As she is sired to the King of Vice.

Sired to the King of Vice?

I was sired to Victor!

All hell is about to break loose.

Life's a bitch!

Chapter 16.
Who's excited?
I actually can't believe I wrote this.
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Also Tyler Hinton as Victor Phillipe.

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