12. Curiosity Takes Over.

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Alex's POV:
I was concerned about what April would do. Would she stay? Or would she reject me and leave which would mean me never seeing her ever again? I chose the latter the second option didn't seem to be to my liking. April was conflicted I understood that and was willing to give her space but we didn't have much time the more time we would take the more weaker the coven would be by the day. She seemed distant I felt I was losing her. The Book of Legends was what would help right now. The book of Legends contained information about the coven, the myths, the legend and the prophecies. I retrieved it from the library and took it to her. I knocked on the door and heard a soft enter. I pushed the door open and saw April sitting on the floor deep in thought. I knelt down beside her and smiled she smiled back for which I was grateful.
" Maybe this will help." I said. I hoped it did.
"Thank you." Was all she said.
I kissed her forehead and left without a word.

April's POV:
The book lay beside me. I was debating whether I should open it or not, part of me was afraid of what I would meet inside but the curious side of me picked the book and flipped through the pages. The more I read the more curious I got, it seemed Alex was right, the coven was the oldest powerful strong making them the first vampires on Earth. With this came the fact the he was of the Royal bloodline. The prophecy was what caught my eye. This was exactly how we got married through a contract, I was bound to him and had no ways of escaping. He was the Prince of Darkness and I was just an ordinary human. Were we really meant to be together or its a sick joke that fate played again? I was stretched to alter my beliefs and I don't know what to believe in anymore.

The myths I heard and believed didn't seem so bizarre anymore. The first vampire was transformed on the Lunar Eclipse. Vampire that are turned cannot handle sunlight, vampires are allergic to garlic, they can control themselves around holy objects like the cross and holy water even though it affects them. The Legend begins when in early 1640 a priest struck a vampire's heart with the stake of wooden cross killing him instantly. The heart is a lethal spot for vampires. Vampires didn't sparkle in the sunlight as depicted in Twilight. They possess super strength and speed. Vampires weren't as cold as ice either. Alex has extraordinary powers of which the Wisdomed Ones want to get a hold of. Alex wasn't turned into a vampire he was born one. Appalled as I was I let this new information sink into me. Suddenly something that I was told years ago flashed in my mind.

'Your intended will be pure blood.'

If I stay human I won't be able to see him ever again and I'm his mate. I closed my eyes remembering the sparks that shot through my body whenever he touched me. Leaving would be rejecting him while would kill him in turn killing me and uprooting the very foundations of the coven. I took a deep breath stood up and walked towards the door.

I had made my decision....

Chapter 12.
I hope it makes sense. I tried.
Whats her decision?
Stay tuned to find out!!
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