16. A Need To Break The Bond.

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Alex's POV:

There has to be a way. It was rare to hear of second chance mates and the rarest of these cases was Victor. Usually wherever he is he causes destruction and he almost destroyed everything. The sire bond could change everything it could either make it break what we were and what we could be.
A sire bond between mates was heard of but between evil and good.. not so much. Now that he is here he wont stop at nothing to get her.. The gods themselves couldn't stop the rage I was feeling right now.. The bond had to be broken.

April's POV:

Trapped. That's how I felt, completely shut like a bird in a cage that, longs, thrives to be free. I knew the stories I read were a work of fiction unreal and now my life felt like a book like someone was writing my fate and completely screwing it. I haven't stepped out in fear of facing him that crooked smile that Victor had on his face when he learnt of the sire bond like a opportunity for revenge a chance that couldn't be left. He scared me, moreover he made me want to hide he instilled a fear in me,
Did I fear him?
That fear was eating me alive like I was drowning in an abyss of fear delusion and utter confusion. There is a history between him and Alex a cold war to see who would win the prize which was....me. He knew somehow he knew that I was his second chance mate or whatever the hell it means. I don't know how but his motives were hidden like missing pieces of a puzzle. He had a long dark history.
I was aimless roaming the halls when I bumped into someone :
"Oh my God I'm sorry I didn't see you."
"No problem love I guess we 'll be running into each other. "
"Oh shut up and leave me alone."
"Not happening."
"You know what keep dreaming you can never have me."
"I make no promises."
"The sire bond will be broken that I promise you."

Who the hell does he think he is? He is trying to play my mind into believe the bond existed, it could be fake it had to..
Chaos prevailed the situation was becoming complicated by the second so was my life. How was I going from being just a normal girl who lived by the rules to a girl married to a vampire breaking rules continuously to being a second chance mate for a soul lost by all means good or bad well mostly bad.
This was hell my personal hell through which I had to go alone no one would help me. Victor Phillipe was trouble not just trouble but a liability, he was the reason I was drifting apart not only from Alex who was my husband but also my soulmate .. while Alex was my other half I started drifting apart from myself which was sickening me.

I started losing control of myself as well as my environment flowers were wilting to nothing the atmosphere became gloomy sad and depressed since I could control elements of the earth the environment was in chaos along with my conflicting emotions. This sire bond would destroy everything including everything that was remotely connected to me..
It would destroy my relationship with Alex it would destroy the coven and the hopes of the people that actually thought the Princess would fix everything in turn they never thought that she would be the very cause of their destruction.

The people were thinking that the Princess would be their ray of hope the light the very person to take the coven to higher glory but little did they know that the person they so faithfully placed their trust in would burn every thing to ashes.. all cause of a sire bond to the King of Vice.
The choice was in my hands, who will I choose?
Will it be the Light of the Star or the King of Chaos and Vice?

What's my choice?

The fate of many people depended on it including me...

The sire bond has to break cause I need it to....

Chapter 17.
I'm so sorry it's short... well wattpad and writers block don't do well together.
I'll make the next chapters longer I promise!
Please keep voting commenting.
Stay nerdy!xxxx

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