22. Together Forever

Start from the beginning

"Fine, but in return I want something"

The mischievous glint in his eyes increased.

"I want something from you,"

I frowned and stared at the lavender-haired boy in front of me.

"You're being annoying"

Despite being harsh to him he still continued to stare at me with the same face.

"Are you being serious?" I questioned

He nodded his head and sent me a wink.

"One hundred percent serious"

I silently cursed under my breath and turned so that I was now facing my stack of empty ramen bowls... 'I was still hungry'

"From the corner of my eye, I could see Trunks, beginning to talk to Iruka and Iruka's cheeks becoming a light shade of pink as he sent glance at Ayame.

'... My brother really was and idiot'.

I stared at both Iruka and Ayame, as they were both the colour of tomatoes then turned to Trunks who seemed to have a victorious smirk on his face although there was no competition.

"You owe me," he mouthed.

I rolled my eyes at Trunks before getting up from my stool, Trunks, who was still looking at me saw what I was doing and quickly followed my lead of standing up. This caught both Ayame's and Iruka's attention.

"Going already?" he questioned as he proceeded to stand up but I quickly shook my head whilst pushing him down back onto his seat.

"We need you here to keep Ayame company," I said. Iruka eyed both Trunks and I suspiciously probably wondering what we were both up to.

"Relax Iruka, nothing is going to happen I'm not like that"

Iruka crossed his arms and looked between the two of us.

"That's what you said last time when you was leaving and guess what, you came back with a boyfriend," Iruka said whilst quickly glancing at Trunks.

"Well, that was different" I smirked. Iruka sighed and relaxed slightly in his chair.

"Just don't get yourselves into too much trouble".

Trunks and I nodded simultaneously before quickly rushing out of Ichirakus like two kids who had been told they could leave the house to go and buy ice cream.

"So where to now?" I asked Trunks, as he was the one leading the way. He shrugged his shoulders and continued to weave his way through the many market stands.

It was already late noon and I hadn't seen Emi since our departure from the Hokage's office. In fact, the last time I saw her was when she was talking with Naruto and Jiraiya. Or was it flirting? Poor Goten having such a bad girlfriend who flirted with other guys. I clenched my fist at the thought of Emi on a date with Naruto and Jiraiya whilst Goten was crying into Sai's shoulder. I mentally vowed to avenge Goten's love life by making a bloody heap of Emi, Naruto and Jiraiya. I was knocked out of my gruesome thoughts of how to avenge Goten when I walked into someone's chest.


"Oni my beautiful youthful blossom of darkness and light mixed together to make the perfect being! It seems like fate has brought us-"

"Shut up" interrupted Trunks as he punched Rock Lee in the face effectively sending him back a few feet. I stared at Lee's figure on the ground and almost fell backwards when he suddenly jumped off from the ground and rushed towards me. His stupid antics caused an amused smile to grow on my lips. That smile grew more as Lee dashed at me again, I got into a stance ready to dodge him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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