Chapter Twenty-Three - Welcome Home

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Jack pulls away from the boss' hand, the dread spreading like a disease. Before he knows it, the two other men have grabbed his arms, forcibly dragging him to the chair and tying him down. He pulls against the restraints, but he knows it's hopeless.

"Going real old-school, aren't we, Boss?" Jack comments, glaring daggers at the man in front of him. The boss' face remains emotionless.

"I don't like getting my hands dirty, Seán," he says, starting to pace. "However, I need information. I need to get things done. That's why I hire people who are stronger than me, healthier than me, smarter than me, to get the job done."

Jack scowls. "Where are you going with this?"

"I'm going to question you about the heroes. These helpful men will make sure you answer." The boss pulls a chair from the corner, sitting down and folding his hands in his lap. One man hands him a clipboard, which he positions on his legs. "Let's begin, shall we?"

The two burly men position themselves on either side of Jack, their arms crossed over their wide chests. The Irishman gulps, but refuses to show his emotions.

"First of all, how many heroes are there?" the boss asks. "Being able to account all of them would be a huge step forward for us."

Jack clenches his teeth, refusing to answer the question. He doesn't even have a number in his head. Judging by how many he's seen on missions, maybe five? The Irishman grips the armrests. He will not bend to this man's will.

The boss clicks his tongue. "Ah, Seán, refusing to answer the question is a strike."

Before he can react, a hand strikes him across the face and nearly sends him toppling. The villain gasps, the sheer shock enough to knock the wind from his body. It takes him a moment to regain his senses, and when he does he sees the man sitting across from him with a light smile on his face.

"Are we more willing to cooperate now?" the boss asks, mock sweetness in his voice.

Jack can't help the fire that rises in his gut and to his chest. "Over my dead body."

The boss sighs. "You just got a strike, so I'll let you get away with that one. Anyway, how many heroes were there?"

When Jack glares at him but doesn't answer, he gets another strike to the opposite side of his face. He groans, his entire head aching.

"How. Many?" the man presses.

"Maybe five," Jack breathes, shutting his eyes.

The boss nods, scribbling down the note on his clipboard. "Good. Now, Cry messaged me about a hero that was with you when he rescued you earlier. What is his name?"

The Irishman feels a shudder of fear run up his spine. Is he going to target Mark? What will he do with the information if he receives it? Could answering the question cause Mark's demise? The villain steels himself.

"I will not answer that question."

The boss groans. "Are you going to keep being difficult?"

"I will fight you until I have no fight left," Jack nearly snarls. He doesn't know why this sudden rebellious spirit is boiling within him, but it is, and it's going to get him killed.

The man sighs, picking up his clipboard and pushing his chair aside. The more Jack watches, the more he realizes just how sick the boss is. Every move he makes is pained, a once strong body sallow and deteriorating. He hides it well, but not well enough.

"I guess we're going to have to do this the hard way," the boss says. "I didn't want it to come to this, but I also didn't expect you to become a little rebel." He steps towards the Irishman, taking his chin in his hand once again. "You used to be my favourite. A step below my own son. A creation I could count on." He grimaces. "A monster should never gain awareness, and when it does, you must make them forget it."

He takes a step back, motioning for the two men to begin. Jack pulls more desperately against the restraints, but even super powers can't save him now. The men beat down on him, slashing him with knives and burying their knuckles into his gut. Silent tears stream down Jack's face, unable to scream and unable to fight back. His heart races, his breathing becoming shallow as he tries desperately to pull air into his lungs. The sound of fists on skin and tearing fabric fill his ears, his chest like fire where their knives cut into his flesh.

A fist connects with his face, sending his chair toppling to the ground as blood gushes from his nose. Finally, the men cut his bonds and step back, allowing Jack to fall into a puddle of his own blood and sob like a child. His shirt is in ribbons, his jeans now sporting bloodied rips that look like they could be from the demented side of fashion.

"Are you ready to answer the questions?" the boss asks softly. "Who is the hero that was with you?"

Jack shuts his eyes. Did he make the right decision when he followed Cry and spared Mark's life, knowing that he would end up back here? Would the red-haired hero ever know of this sacrifice?

The villain coughs, the metallic taste of blood filling his mouth.  His sobs cease for a moment as he responds.  "I will never answer you."

The boss gives him a wry smile. The two men drag him to his feet, allowing the boss to approach him.

"I'll give you a break for now. But, be warned..." He pauses, rage blazing in his eyes. "I will kill the fight in you." 

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