He leaned forward and kissed me gently on the lips. All these little things he did just made me so happy! (No pun intended). He smiled at me and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. I knew I wanted to be with him from the word go, it was like fate meeting him.

The journey wasn't quiet at all. We chatted and giggled and ask questions about eachother, it was really nice. We pulled up into the mall car park when we got there and got out of the car. He walked over to me as he grabbed my hand and interlocked his fingers with mine.

We met up with the other guys at the front entrance. "Why don't us girls go and get what we need and you lads can do whatever you want" Tia suggested.  "Yeah, that's a good idea babe. Where shall we all meet?" Liam asked. "Urrm.... starbucks in a couple of hours?" Tia said and we all agreed. We all pecked our boyfriends lips and walked to find some good shops.

We walked into 'new look' and wanted to choose some clothes. We didn't choose anything too dressy, but the items we picked up were still gorgeous. We each took a couple of items of clothing off the racks that we liked, and took them to the changing rooms to try on.

We each occupied a small changing area and tried our items on. Every time we tried a new iten on, we would go out to show eachother the item to see if everyone liked it. We all pretty much chose the same type of things like skinny jeans, vest tops, hoodies and really nice dressy tops.

We all went out of the changing rooms once we had tried everything on and headed to the tills. Luckily the boys had given us some money to go shopping because none of us had any with us. I didn't deny the money though, because I knew I'd need it. I did think it was jenerous of the boys though since what I just bought cost me £45 and that was just in the first shop.

We headed out of new look and straight for the food court. We were all starving since we hadn't eaten in days. Me and Tia wanted a KFC so that's where we headed, all the other girls went to pizza hut. We stood in the queue waiting until it was our turn to order.

"So, are you officially going out with Liam then?" I asked Tia. She smiled and answered back "Yeah I think so. He's so sweet to me you know, and no one has ever been like this with me before!" She sounded so happy as she said this and I was happy for her. She's my best friend and I wanted her to have someone who will look after her and treat her right. She diserved the best.

"Are you officially dating Harry?" She asked with hopefull eyes. I guessed she wanted me to be dating Harry, every time I was with him she would give me this look that screamed 'Aawwwh!' and only I could see it. "Yes, I asked him in the car on the way here and he said yes!" I was quite happy thinking of myself as his girlfriend. I didn't think someone with as higher ego as him would want someone like me.

She gave me that look and smiled. "Is he thinking of changing you, you know... into a vampire? I think Liam wants me to be one" She stated and it made me shiver. I did want to be with Harry forever, but the thought of drinking blood made me cringe.

"Well he hasn't exactly said to me that he's going to change me, but he hints it when he doesn't realise it" I said truthfully. "You've gone pale... are you okay?" Tia said and I rested my hand on my cheek. It did feel really cold. I guess it's just because thinking of me being a blood sucking monster made me feel sick. I brushed it off "Yeah.... I'm fine" I lied.

It was our turn to order and we ordered a bargain bucket and chips to share with some coke. When the order was ready we took the tray of food and saw Jordan, Cameron and Shannon already sat at a table. We walked over and grabbed some more chairs. We sat down to our food and ate like animals! We were soooo hungry it was unbelievable. We hadn't had food for a couple of days but it felt like a year. We ate it all up and when we were done, we binned the waste and stood up to go somewhere else.

We thought about what we'd acctually need because we didn't want to spend all of the boys money. That would be unfair. We walked to a small shop full of essentials. We needed some pads just in case so we all grabbed some of those and went to pay. After that store there was a shop full of dresses and shoes next door. I peered into the window wanting to buy some things from there. The dresses on the manikins were so cute. Tia clearly read my mind.

"No Cerys, we can't spend any more money. We don't need any of that, come on" I pouted at her and looked back at the shop. "Just one look inside, please?" She sighed and gave in. "Fine then" yessss!

I shot around the store looking at all the pretty dresses and high heels there was. I picked a gorgeous royal blue dress out. It was strappless an was quite short but wouldn't show my bum or anything. "Oh my god... I have to try this on!" Before anyone had chance to answer I shot to the changing rooms to try it on.

It hugged my body in all the right places showing off my curves and making my boobs look bigger. It crisscrossed at the back showing some of my back. It was perfect. I walked out of the changing rooms to see all the other girls trying dresses and shoes on. Typical.

Tia had a black dress on. It was quite short and it showed one shoulder off. It was really nice! Cameron had a dark purple one on that had a bow at the side. Jordan had a peach one that was more a skater style that was backless and Shannon had a red one on that had shory sleeves but it was slightly longer.

We all looked at eachother as if to say ' I really want this dress... shall we get them..... YES! ' and we ran to the tills, grabbing some shoes on the way. We paid and then went to meet the boys.

(A.N) Okay so the girls went overboard on the shopping but heyy.... we're girls. We can't help it! I hope you enjoyed that chapter. I love reading your nice, long comments so feel free to comment.  I do read them all. I'll update more soon




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