Thirty-Seven: Fifteen Years Later

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Fifteen Years Later...

  "Adrien! Adrien, gods dammit! Wake up!" I whacked my husband with a pillow, and he groaned, sitting up groggily.

"Silverclaw...?" He muttered, rubbing his eyes.

"You're dense. Breakfast is ready." I cuffed his shoulder. "And get dressed."

I, of course, had already changed.

"Noo..." He grabbed me and pulled me on the bed, and hugged me to him.

I blushed, but I wouldn't admit that. "Damn you... get up. I'm hungry and you should be too."

He moaned, and held me tighter.

"Adrien if you don't get up I'll throw Plagg's cheese in your face, or I'll get Lune." I threatened.

Lune was my kwami, the dragon kwami, to be exact. She was like Tripp in a way, but a little more... down to earth. She wasn't as funny as him.

I cringed at the memory of my late kwami.

"You're thinking of him again, aren't you?" He whispered into my neck, sitting us up.

I shivered at his breath. "I don't feel like crying right now. Come on–"

He pulled me into a slow kiss. My eyes welled.

"Come on, now... let it out..." He murmured into my lips.

"No. I don't want Lune to feel bad..." I shut my eyes. "I'm hungry. Let's go."

He sighed, and I pulled myself away from him, and slid off of the bed. "And please hurry, I'm feeling impatient today."

He chuckled, and I left the room, walking down to the kitchen.

After a few minutes, Adrien dragged himself down. He pulled me into a quick kiss, then went down on some pancakes that I'd made.

I turned on the T.V.

"A villain that goes by the name of Sphinx is ravaging the city. All we could do is hope that Ladybug, Thrip, Chat Noir, and Silverclaw can come and save us."

I flipped the screen a finger, and called for Lune.

"I'm not even done!" Adrien whined.

"Screw you. I never even got to eat!" I snapped.

He only laughed, and Plagg landed on his shoulder.

I narrowed my eyes at the two of them. "Lune, wings out."

"Plagg, claws out!"

And, we were off to save Paris, the city of love, for once.

Note the sarcasm.

YAY. Okay, I'm done. This was fun, I guess.
Maybe I'll make a second book if I feel motivated. *Shrugs* Or when the second season come out. *Wiggled eyebrows*
Anyways, you guys are cool. Just reminding you, because of course you already know this!
I'm happy you guys decided to read this.
Buh-bye for now, starfishies!

*Pfft* I dunno.

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