Eighteen: Uh Oh

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"MWAHAHAHAHA!!!" As if this dude needed to announce that he was here.

He was dressed in a dark pink jumpsuit thing, with a strange man over his head. He was holding a bouquet of flowers, and was shooting them everywhere. They stuck in the ground just like a knife would have.

Mari took action like this was some
sci-fi film. "GO! HIDE! RUN!" She shoved me down an alleyway, and sprinted the other direction. I had a feeling that this was survival of the fittest.

I ran down the alley, which was thankfully empty. I was about to wake Tripp when I heard a very sickly sweet voice coming from behind me.

"What are you doing here, ma amour~?" I recognized that voice.

I suddenly understood what the flowers did.

Oh no...

I turned. It was Chat Noir himself, except for one thing. His eyes were a rosy pink.

I tried to act casual in my new panicked state. "Oh–um–y'know.. Just... Going for a lovely stroll.. In this alleyway... Yeah..." I didn't know what to do with my hands.

"Flustered already, I see~" He smirked. Oh gods kill me now and I promise I'll never sin again.

Scratch that. I'll sin less. Just help.

"N-nope! Not at all! Perfectly a-okay! I'm fine!" I smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

He took a step towards me. I stepped back. Goodbye cruel, innocent world. Somewhat innocent world.

"So~" He said, rushing forwards. I stumbled back so fast I painfully slammed into the wall. "Where shall I start? The neck? Or the face?~"

I shuddered. Very visibly. "Nowhere, thanks." I said, trying to push him away. He pinned my hands on either side of my head.

"Ooo~" He whispered horsely. Is it bad for me to admit that it was a little hot? "You're allowing me to choose? You spoil me, purrincess...~"

He inclined his head and breathed on my ear, causing me to shiver and blush. "Listen, Noir... L-let me go."

He clicked his tongue as if scolding a child. "I can't do that, beautiful... Speaking of which, you look lavishing today. You smell so good. Apple?"

I shuddered. "Whoa, there, a little too fast for comfort..." I muttered as he pressed himself against me.

"I think it's too slow.. Let's pick up the pace, shall we~?" He licked my ear, causing me to scrunch my neck up in discomfort.

You know that feeling when someone licks your hand when you cover their mouth to shut them up? Multiply that by one zillion and two.

"Mmm~" He said. "You taste even better than apples..." He went just below my ear and nibbled slightly. I made an uncomfortable squeak.

"And you sound like heaven..." He whispered. He sounded so lovesick that it was overflowing. It flooded my senses, which wasn't a good feeling. It was like having a heart attack but worse.

"Ch-Chat!" I yelped as he nipped my neck.

"Already screaming my name~?" He asked. I struggled against his hands. "Now, now, pretty one..." He whispered. "Let this happen. You'll love it~"

And then he was ripped away from me.

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