Nineteen: Homicidal Rose Man

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Chat gave out a yelp of surprise as someone barrelled from the shadows and tore him away from me. I sank to the ground, trembling. I'd just been touched. I was just violated.

"Lay your dirty paws off of her, creep." Thrip spat, balling his fists.

Chat wisely backed away, but gave me one last look. "I'll catch you later, my love~" He then jumped away.

Thrip looked torn for a moment. Leave or stay? He stayed. He ran over to me and crouched down, touching my shoulders.

"Are you okay? What did he do?" He asked, his voice almost like Chats, but full of worry, not love. I was so relieved that I almost launched up and hugged him.

Instead, I responded. "Only a bite or two.." I shuddered. "And a weird ass lick. Eww..."

He hugged me. "I'm so damn lucky that I was here..."

"Can I come out?" Tripp's shaky voice was muffled by my bag. I opened it up.

"Yeah. All clear."

He flew out. "Are you okay? Oh. Hey, Thrip."

"Hey." Thrip greeted.

"Transform?" Tripp asked me.

"Transform." I agreed. I didn't even have to say the special words or anything. He was absorbed into the necklace and I was alter ego in seconds.

I sighed, and lit up my hands for a second, calming my nerves. The lights were a sickly green. You could probably guess the mood.

I was scared.

Thrip hauled me up. "Ready to fly? Or are we climbing today?"

I spread my wings. "I'm finding Chat. I've got to get him on our side again."

"So that's what homicidal rose mans roses do..." He muttered, thoughtfully.

"Homicidal rose man?" I asked.

He grinned. "Let's go. We've got something to pick with him."

"What a fluorescent plan." I smiled.

"Iris my case." He laughed.

"Alright. Let's go find Rose Master." I leapt into the air. He scaled a building within seconds. I landed next to him.

"See anything?" I asked, gazing around.

"A whole bunch of lovesick bimbos." Thrip said.

"Very helpful, Thunder."

For your information, thrip's are also known as thunder bugs. So I call him Thunder and he normally calls me Flame. Anyways...

"(Y/n)~" Chat was back. "Ooo! Wait! There's Firefly! Firefly~ come dooowwwnnn~!"

"Run." I advised. "Run. Run run runrunrunrunrun." I shoved Thrip, and we both began sprinting.

"Brilliant! He likes you, too!" He yelled at me. "Why do you have to be so attractive!?"

"Hey, it may have been love at first sight!" I yelled back at him, after thanking him politely for that comment. We were siblings. We were allowed to complement on our incredible genes.

"Oh, shut it!" He yelled.

"Firefly~Come now, don't be shy!" Chat sang behind us.

"Gogogogogo" Thunder yelled.

"Do you think that's not what I'm doing!?" I screeched at him.

"GO FASTER! HOMICIDAL FLOWER MAN TWO O'CLOCK!" He yelled, diving sideways. I found it wise to follow him and not split.

We tumbled onto a lower building, my lights flashing green and red and yellow and pink and orange. I was so confused that I had to take a mental moment for a second to calm myself.

"Firefly~" Chat sang, bringing me back to reality.

Thunder pulled me up and launched us onto another building like spider man. Mega cool. Hey, you see this, news reporters!? This is my bro!! I'm so proud. *Wipes tear away like I did with the bloody hamburgers* So, so proud.


We crawled up a building. You're probably asking 'Oh, why didn't you use your majestic wings to fly?' To which I respond, 'Flower man in the air, pervy cat on the ground. Flower man makes other people's pervy. No thanks. I can take cat in my own.' End of story.

So. We made it to the top, out of breath, cramped, and extremely tired. Conveniently, Ladybug appeared seconds later.

"I've got Rosey. You get Chat." She swing her yo-yo, and hit rose man in the nose. He was gonna feel that later. It actually looked like he was feeling it now. "Go! I've got this!"

Thunder and I exchanged a glance, then decided to come up with a plan.

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