Twenty-Eight: Nightmare

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Thunder brought me home quickly, and hastily set me down on the couch in the living room. I was struggling at this point to stay conscious.

"Sleep, (Y/n). You'll be of no use until you recover." Thunder murmured to me. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

I listened to him leave, and slowly fell asleep. My breathing was steady, and deep. I could feel myself get enveloped in darkness.

I suddenly opened my eyes, to see nothing but a vast expanse of blue before me. It was like I was underwater. Then I realized that I was.

I blinked, and attempted clawing to the surface, but all I did was sink. I sunk faster and faster into the dark, until I couldn't see anything but the faint light above me.

"I'm sorry for speaking to you at such an inconvenient time." A deep voice echoed. I twisted around, my hair floating up around me. Nobody was there. My lungs began to hurt.

"You have to listen carefully, child." This was a woman's voice, now.

"Your kwami, Tripp, is fated to die at the hands of something sweet." The male voice said.

"When he does die, he will change into another kwami. When this happens, do not be scared, child." The woman explained.

"Your new kwami will know what to do. Do not fear." The male voice murmured, close to my right ear. When I turned, he wasn't there. My lungs throbbed in agony.

"Be safe, child. Your new kwami will explain everything to you." The woman had a smile in her voice. I could tell.

But I didn't want a new kwami, I wanted to yell. I liked having Tripp around. He was one of my closest friends. He stayed with me through some of the toughest times.

I decided that this was all just a bad dream.

I woke up to see Tripp on my chest, smiling at me. "Thrip's home!"

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