Just move one foot to the front then the other. How hard can it be? Y/N thought.

Everybody was so entranced with Camila's jokes that they did not see Y/N walking more like a drunk man walking.

C'mon legs walk straight!

Y/N was getting more and more frustrated.

Just as Camila was finish with another joke Y/N was standing next to them sweating hard.

"Y/N!" All of them scolded him in unison which scared the shit out of him.

All of them look at each other before laughing.

I thought I saw weird things in my life but I know none can compare to this. Y/N could practically feel the weirdness or was it just him.

"Seriously thou Y/N, go back to bed." Chrissy said after the laughter earlier. Everyone nodded supporting Chrissy's decision.

Y/N felt his eye twitch. What in the world is happening here?!! All of them are acting like bestfriends!

"Get out." Y/N said eerily calm.

All of them were silent, looking at Y/N with surprise.

"What? " Y/N mom ask.

"I. Said. Get. Out! " Y/N said each words with a pause as if they were stupid.

All of them look at Y/N with complete surprise. Not once in their whole lives Y/N shouted at them with so much anger.

When no one made a move to follow Y/N demand he started pushing everyone out. 

"Wait! " Camila shouted but it was to late her words were met with the face of the door.

"Did that really just happen? " Lauren ask because she really thinks her eyes are deceiving her.
Before anybody could answer her Y/N open his door.

"I knew it my son was just playing a joke. " Y/N father said. But once again they were shock when Y/N pulled Chrissy to his room.

"Yeah I was not kidding." With that Y/N close his door locking it.

"Now Chrissy your gonna tell me everything I wanna know. " Y/N said slowly walking to Chrissy who is in the bed looking anywhere except his eyes.

"I can't." Chrissy said nervously.

"Oh you will. " Y/N said smirking.
Chrissy look at Y/N nervously then she jump when she heard music.

"That should make our conversation private. " Y/N said edging closer and closer to Chrissy.

Chrissy gulp at how close their bodies were.

"Now tell me... "

Back to the people who has their jaws drop.

"Damn" Lauren muttered when the door was slam shut. Then music was heard from the other side drowning out their conversation.

"Yeah damn." Y/N father said pressing the gun straight at Lauren's head.

Aw fuck. Lauren thought.

Both of them heard whistling. As Y/F/N turn his head he felt his heart stop. There stood Camila casually aiming two guns to Y/M/N head while whistling.

"Classic Camz." Lauren said chuckling.

"Shut up! " Y/F/N hiss.

Both Camila and Y/F/N stare at each other waiting for the other to make a move.

"Look let's just talk this out OK? i'm sure Y/N would hate us if we kill each other here and now. " Y/M/N said with Camila leaning on a wall both guns aiming at her head.

"How can Y/N hate you when he already does. " Camila said casually.

Y/M/N felt her heart crack but Y/F/N just kept an angry piss face.

"You don't know shit little girl. "Y/F/N said through gritted teeth.

Camila open her mouth for another witty reply but Lauren interrupted her. "Look Camz, Y/M/N right let's talk this out because some people does not want to die here. " Lauren said glaring at Camila in case if Camila says another witty remark.

"Fine" Camila mumble out.

Camila led them to a private room in the mansion where no comes or uses unless a family meeting is held.

"OK now what? "Lauren ask out loud gun still press to her head.

Everyone turn to look at Y/M/N. As if expecting the answer she said. "Let's start with putting the guns down. " At this both Y/F/N and Camila tense.

"Yeah like hell. " Camila said. Even though Y/F/N hates Camila he can't say he doesn't agree with her.

Y/M/N pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration before looking at Lauren pleadingly.

Lauren sigh but knew if the would have this talk they need to put their guns down to avoid shooting at each other accidentally or on purpose.

"Camz" Lauren gave Camila a "look" which made her lower the gun with a sigh.

"Honey" Y/M/N said to her husband.

"but-" Y/F/N tried protesting but with one glare from his wife made him comply to her wishes.

Lauren took the gun from Y/F/N who gave it reluctantly with a glare while Camila gave her gun to Y/M/N her eyes never leaving Y/F/N in case if he makes a move.
After Y/M/N collected the gun from Lauren she open a desk and place them inside locking it with a key.

Both Camila and Lauren had their mouths open and eyes wide.

"Wait how-" Y/M/N raise her hand silencing Camren.

"You can ask all the questions you want in exchange we ask any questions we want. Deal? " Y/M/N offered her hand to Camila who shook it then Lauren who shook it.

"This is not gonna end well. " Y/F/N shook his head.

Y/N parents sat at a couch that faces Camren who sat at two beanbags.

"Okay so let's start." Y/F/N started." Why the FUCK did you kill my men! " Y/F/N shouted in complete rage. Y/M/N rub her husband arm trying to calm him.
Lauren just stared at him unflinching while Camila smirk at him.

"I killed him because...

A/N: Till next time my friends and fellow readers.


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