Chapter ♚ Twenty Six

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Hey guys :) Only one chapter today because I work later :( sorry <3

Note at end :)

The Wolf Prince | Chapter Twenty Six

I was in deep shit.

The look on Grayson's face was terrifying, he was livid, fuming with anger. He stood a couple meters away, his body tense and fists clenched at his sides. He looked like he was ready to kill and I shrunk back fear.

Ky stepped in front of me, putting himself between Grayson and I. I peeked over his shoulder, my eyes meeting Grayson's crimson balls of lava. His face was stone cold, his eyes crazy, mad, he looked insane.

"Get the fuck away from my mate you filthy rogue." Grayson spits, his sharp canines bared. He was shaking, his wolf bound threatening to take control of his body, his mind.

"Grayson," I whisper and his eyes snap away from Kyran to me. His face softens and he takes a small step forward. And that's when I realized something.

Grayson was holding in his wolf. He didn't want to fight Ky, and he sure as hell didn't have any intention to go anywhere near him.

Grayson was afraid of Kyran.

I didn't know what to think, Grayson was never afraid of anyone. He was the alpha of the strongest pack. He was one of the strongest alphas in The Crown. It didn't make sense. I looked back to Grayson, his eyes bagging me to come with him and so I step around Ky who grabs my hand quickly.

"What are you doing?" he whispers, his eyes sad.

"I have to," I gulp, I felt like I had boulders lodged in my throat. I didn't want to leave Ky, but I knew it was for the best. No matter how untrustworthy Grayson may be, Ky was more dangerous.

Whatever we had, whatever we felt, didn't matter.

I had a mate, and it wasn't Kyran.

"I'm sorry," I frown and he looks away nodding his head. He lets go of my hand and shifts into a black wolf bound. My eyes trail after him as he leaves Grayson and I alone.

I was afraid to look back up at Grayson. I had no idea what he was going to do now, and when I looked back up to ask his back was facing me, he was already walking away, back toward his glass house.

Everything felt so wrong. I wasn't sure if I was making the right decisions and I sure as hell wasn't going anywhere with gathering more information. The best I got tonight had nothing to do with the rogues. I found out that Ky didn't have a family and that for some ridiculous reason Grayson must be afraid of Ky, or at least cautious around him.

When we got back to the glass house I sat across from Grayson on the little island in the middle of the kitchen. He wouldn't look at me, and I knew he could smell Kyran all over me.

"Why a rogue?" he barks, his voice rough and low. I looked at the counter, finding it the most interesting thing in the world right now.

"I-" I began but I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to explain what happened, it just happened. It's not like I choose Ky or something, we definitely weren't dating. And an "us" wasn't even possible anyway, he is a rogue. Grayson should know this.

But he's hurt my mind growls. You betrayed your mate. You're just like your mother.

My lips pull in a frown. I wasn't going to run, I wasn't going to cry, and I was going to face my problems head on. I looked Grayson dead in the eyes.

"You're mine." He growls, eyes never leaving mine as he stands from his stool abruptly, causing it to tip to the floor. I flinch but keep my eyes steady with his. "You're my fucking mate." His voice grows louder as he comes behind me, pulling my chair out from underneath of me. I jump to my feet before I can fall. We were close and I can see how tight all of his muscles are, how pissed he was.

"And you betrayed me." He yells, fisting the collar of my shirt in his hand he throws me back against the refrigerator, his other hand gripping my wrists above my head, holding me still.

"I'm sorry." I growl, my eyes glaring hard.

"No your not." Grayson yells, his hands tightening on my wrists. He pushes his body against mine. "You smell like him" he pushes his head between my shoulder and neck. "Filthy," he growls, his teeth grazing my neck. I feel bile rise in my throat. This doesn't feel right. I squirm under his weight and he laughs viciously in response.

"Mine." He repeats and attacks me. He attacks my neck with his lips, my face, my jaw, and my lips. He is rough, holding nothing back, forcing angry kisses upon my lips. I stand still, refusing to respond. I wouldn't let this happen; I wouldn't let him take advantage of me like this.

I scream out in anger, and turn my head. I bite down on the arm that holds my arms up on the fridge and he flinches, his face twisting with pain.

"Son of a bitch." He growls, holding his bleeding arm. I smirk and I knew I had his disgusting blood on my teeth. I quickly reach down to my combat boot, pulling my dagger out in front of me, providing space between us.

"If you ever think about touching me again," I growl, my hand tightening on the handle of the blade. "You will get this in the eye." I spit, advancing a step toward him making him take a couple steps back. Good, no way in hell am I ever going to let some guy treat me the way he does. Ever again.

I race up to my bed room, pulling out my suitcase. I pack my fighting leathers, Katana, and a few other necessities. Not forgetting about the note to Gavin from my mother, and Grayson's agreements.

I had to get out of here.

I had to get away from Grayson.

Before leaving I saw Erik. He was cooped up in his bed in the pack house, he was my fathers Beta so I figured leaving him in charge of the pack while I was gone wouldn't be a bad idea.

I had a long way to walk.

Hollowdell was far.

Meh, kinda a shitty chapter :c

Sorry <3

So I'm thinking about wrapping up this story pretty soon :c

Yea, no? xD I can't decide lol.

I have a question and I need some honest opinions :c

Here it goes....


Do you think this is publishable? Like, do you think this idea that I've created is good enough that publishers might consider it?

I know that there's spelling and punctuation mistakes but put that aside because there are editors out there lol xD

I've always wanted to publish a book :)

To hold my book in my hands, to have a physical copy would be amazing <3

<3 Bree

ah it's like 2:00AM again :') I wrote 4 chapters in one day (I think) and I'm already working on my 5th (chapter twenty seven lol)

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