Chapter ♚ Twenty Three

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Hello everybody :)

The Wolf Prince | Chapter Twenty Three

"Did anyone try to track down the rogues that did this?" I growl, my entire body growing tense, my breathing becoming rigid.

"Yes," my father says rubbing the back of his neck, letting out a stress filled sigh. "But they weren't there; they must have abandoned their camp and left their stuff after they realized that the girls were missing from the tents."

"We need to find them." I need to find them. Track them down and torture them the way they tortured my best friend. I will kill them, every last one of those damned rogues.

"That's not a safe idea Shira..." He trails, his hands fidgeting on his desk.

"You don't think I can handle a couple lonely, weak rogues?" I narrow my eyes, leaning forward to get a better look at his creased face, the worry lines mapping deep in his skin.

"This is far bigger than you," he whispers, eyes meeting mine. I freeze, taken by surprise.

"Excuse me?" my body goes slack and my heart thumps heavily. "You don't think that I can handle a couple rogues? I mean, I'm practically an alpha, dad. You can handle them just fine so why can't I?"

He hesitates, contemplating for a while, like he wasn't sure how to answer my question. "I just-" he begins. "These rogues, we've been following them for years, they're very different and there's something peculiar about them, something off." He admits, rubbing his hands down his face.

"What do you mean?" my voice quivers slightly, betraying what I'm trying to convince my father. That I am strong; I am capable.

"They're stronger than normal, faster than normal. These specific rogues, the ones that poisoned Harley, they travel in packs." His eyes meet mine once again, his tone deep and serious.

"How? Rogues don't normally travel in packs." My eyes grow wide, my stomach flipping.

"That's what I mean. They're not normal."

And that's what intrigued me the most; the abnormality of the wolf bound rogues. It was official; I made up my mind before my father could sit me down to convince me, before I even knew myself. I was capable and I knew it. I wasn't any better or any less than any other alpha in The Crown, so therefore I could handle the rogues just as well as my father has in the past, and I would.

Plus I had an advantage, I already knew a rogue.


I didn't have much of a plan, hell I didn't have a plan at all. But I had resources, and at the moment that's all I needed. I didn't plan on making a move or hunting the rogues down right away, I wasn't that senseless. I needed details, more information before moving forward. My father had mentioned the night that we found Harley that the rogue's preferred to always be on the move, they didn't stay in one spot for long. So realistically they could be anywhere.

I waited long after my father had left before leaving myself.

Joyce, as normal was sitting on the couch when I went to leave out the front door. He was lounging on the couch, his arm thrown across Rosa's shoulders; they were munching on a bowl of popcorn their eyes glued to the flat screen. When I walked passed, my combat boots thudding on the hard wood floor they both gazed up at me. My eyes connected first with Joy's and he nodded, he knew where I was going and as I walked out I shot Rosa a small genuine smile, and she beamed back at me brightly.

Ever since Rosa came back home she had been attached to Joyce's hip day in and day out. She didn't show up to training any longer but I couldn't blame her, neither had I. It felt weird to be thinking about training right now, especially without Harley being there. It was something we enjoyed doing together, we always have.

I shook my thoughts away and as I walked down the porch steps of the glass house I looked up, throwing my black beat up leather jacket over my thin shoulders. The moon was covered by thick clouds tonight making the sky a dark canvas. I slowly breathed in the thin cool air, it was fresh. This feeling of being out right now, alone in the middle of the night, in the middle of the forest. It felt fresh, I felt more than alive, more than awake.

More, more, more.

I needed a lot.


Answers I had not, but soon I would get them.

"Are you stalking me again?" a deep voice came from behind me. I shivered, a small smirk tugging at the corner of my lips. Just the rogue I was looking for.

"In fact," I begin, purposely keeping my back to him, my voice was low and my eyes daring as I gazed at the darkness ahead. "I was." I finished, my voice taunting, my smirk wider, my body giddy, hot, my mind wild with questions, more than questions. He laughed, his voice closer now, his body was closer. I felt it, felt him. The intensity made my stomach flip and my lungs squeeze.

I turned, a handsome Ky staring back at me. His green eyes were dark and wild; his lips were tilted up in a half smirk and I couldn't help but slide my tongue across my own lips as my gaze slid over his.

I was treading dangerous water.

And when you stair danger in the face, it stairs back at you.   

Hello :)

How are you guys? I really enjoy talking to everybody!

Thank you for all of your lovely comments and support :) <3

We actually surpassed my goal for likes so THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 lol We reached 229 instead of 220 ;D You are amazing.

So I think eventually I will change the title to Wolf Fire and then call the second novel The Wolf Prince (yea I plan this to be a duology (I think that's what they're called?)) Butttt I have to contact the designer that designed my cover because I want to keep it :)

And I'm thinking about changing Kyran's name to Kyren? The pronunciation is slightly different lol I'm not sure which I like better.
Anyway :) thank you
<3 -Bree

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