Chapter ♚ Five

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Here's where we get into the nitty gritty ;) *rubs hands together evilly* Don't forget to vote or comment please <3 I would appreciate it so much! –Brianna

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The Wolf Prince | Chapter Five

The next morning I wake up with sore limbs.

My eyes slowly peel open.  I put a hand in front of them, attempting to block out the sun that is pouring through my window.

"Be presentable please, Shira." My father says as he steps out of his bedroom, walking past my door which is open a peek. I mumble back a few incoherent words and lazily pull myself out of bed.

Looking at myself in the mirror I groan. Presentable is not possible today. I attempt to flatten down my bead head, emphasis on the word attempt. I lift up my hair and crane my neck to get a glimpse of my new wolf bound mark. There on the back of my neck, imprinted to me forever is a swirling design of a black wolf print. The claws sharp and pointy, and the center of the paw containing a light grey, flowing A. The A representing the blood of an Alpha. Nonetheless the mark looks normal, besides the swirling designs that make up the paw print, normally wolf bound prints are a solid black, no designs.

"I figured you could use my expert advice on what to wear because..." I drop my hair and my eyes snap to Harley, who leans in the doorway giving me a once over. "Well look at you," she smirks, holding up a bag of makeup, and a pair of lace up black booties.

"Thank god," I laugh, turning on the sink to clean the morning crud off my face. "I'd be useless without you,"

"Maybe," she smiles, pulling a curling wand out of the makeup bag and plugging it in to heat up. "Maybe not,"

Two hours and a lot of tears latter I'm ready. To Harley's standards. And probably my fathers'. You see my standards are either sweats and a baggy t-shirt or my fighting leathers. Neither of those suitable for this occasion unfortunately.

Harley examines me from head to toe, approving with a nod. "You should wear dresses more often," she smirks.

"I don't know," I mumble, looking at the little black dress, hugging my slim upper body then flaring out at my hips, ending just before my knees. "It's cute I guess, nothing sexy." I say, examining my bright blue cat eyes.

"We'll save sexy for another night," she winks, leading the way out of my room and down stairs.

"Ah, there she is," I hear my father say as I reach the front foray. I look up and my eyes connect with a pair of crimson eyes. A shiver rakes its way through my body. "This," my father says breaking me from my trance, with a small gesture to me. "Is my daughter Shira, future alpha of the Whispering Pines pack." He says proudly to the handsome stranger with the crimson eyes. I give crimson eyes a little awkward wave and look to my father. "Shira, this is Grayson Kade, he's the alpha of the Glassmeadows pack..." He trails off. My eyes narrow to crimson- Grayson Kade.

"I thought members of the Glassmeadows pack were forbidden from our territory?" I snap, looking Grayson, our packs enemy dead in the eyes. I cross my arms, waiting for an answer, thinking about the crimson eyes of the wolf I ran into yesterday.

"Uh, yes," my father clears his throat. "Today is a special day with special circumstances. You see, Shira. Since prince Reid has passed and his son will now inherit the crown, he must renew all treaties between packs." He explains. "Especially treaties with Grayson's pack." Yea, I think. Considering his father kidnapped me, and a single child from each of the other three packs.

"I'm just trying to set my fathers wrong doings right," Grayson says, pushing his brown hair out of his eyes. I stare at him for who knows how long, shocked at his audacity. Looking at the spot just above his slightly crooked nose, between his exotic crimson eyes.

Glowering, I look to my father. "I still don't understand why he's here," I growl.

"He wanted to be polite and escort us to the meeting," was his reasoning, turning with Grayson toward the door. Shouldering past Grayson I push open the door and barrel outside.

"I don't need escorting, thanks." I snap darkly at Grayson. Venom boiling deep in my veins as I turn my back to them, shift into my wolf and bound towards the Shadowland, where the prince's palace awaits my presence.

Upon arrival I wait for my father and enemy at the drawbridge to the castle, back in human form. I watch Grayson under my lashes from afar, not wanting to make it look obvious. He was handsome, in a scary way. Not the kind of handsome that is dark and mysteriously sexy, but the kind of handsome that you know, just know not to mess with. Incredibly, torturously handsome. And then I began to think of all of the beatings and tortures his father committed on my body, on my mind. Like father, like son I suppose.

As they near I catch a sly smirk dancing on Grayson's lips and instantly have the urge to punch it off. Obviously I don't, not wanting to look like a lunatic at my first Crown appearance. "The Prince hosts the Crown in the ball room." My father says as they walk past me over the bridge, Grayson intentionally bumping my shoulder with his. I freeze, a shiver down my spine. My eyes shoot daggers into the back of Grayson's skull as I follow behind the pair.

"How exquisite," I laugh. "Do we dance and drink champagne and have a grand old time?" I mock in a high pitched voice. How mature Shira, how mature. I was too pissed off to care.

"No dancing, but drink as much champagne as your heart desires." And so I do.

The ball room was indeed exquisite. The glass chandeliers hung low on the sky high gold ceilings, illuminating the ballroom in the dark of the night. Small tables lay scattered with bottles upon bottles of various types of, may I add expensive, champagne bottles, of which I have not been a stranger to. A cool fall breeze enchants the room from the large open windows, leaving the long curtains flowing.

"Why hasn't the Prince arrived yet?" I ask my father, who sits beside me at the long dinner table that lay center of the ball room. Grayson is unfortunately seated beside me and the other two alphas sit across from us, leaving an empty chair for the Prince at the head of the wooden table.

"I'm not sure," he replies looking along the table to the empty chair. I swish my champagne around in my wine glass impatiently. A large set of doors burst open and smash against the wall across the ball room. An anxious looking wolf bound stand in the threshold.

"The Prince has ran away!" He shrikes, crumbling to his knees "Vanished!" He sobbed. The alphas and I rise to our feet, some knock chairs right back.

"What do you mean?" My father's voice boomed.

"I mean, I went to the Princes' chamber to retrieve him for the meeting and he wasn't there but I found this on his desk," the man holds up a note shakily in one hand. "It says he left, and doesn't want to rule," he cries. My father walks up to the man and kneels beside him, putting a reassuring hand on his back.

"I'll do whatever it takes to find our prince and return him, maybe we can talk some sense into him," he says to the man, then looks up to Grayson. "Can you take Shira home, Grayson? I need to start a search a soon as possible." I freeze, still trying to comprehend the fact that my father asked an enemy to escort me home alone.

"Thank you," my father says as Grayson grabs me by the arm and pulls me out of the doors of the castle.

"Let go," I hiss, ripping my arm out of his grasp once we're out the door and alone.

Grayson turns on me, shoving me against the stone wall of the palace. My muscles flinch as he leans his handsome face so close to my ear I can feel his breath fanning my neck. "Don't you dare talk to me like that ever again," he whispers in a deep snarl, nipping at my ear. My body hums with delight, my mind sick with disgust.

"I'll do what I want, you're not my alpha." I snap, placing my hands on his tight chest in order to push away, however my lame attempt only causes him to push his muscular body flush against mine.

"Shira..." He murmurs, trailing cool kisses down my neck. "You know what we are," along my collar bone. I push my body hard against his, and I feel him smile against my skin.

"No," I whisper, throwing my head back in a silent moan. Grayson lets out a low growl at my denial, my body goes weak in his grip and his crimson eyes dilate as he grazes his sharp canines back up my neck.

"Mate," he says, the unwanted truth vibrating through my body.

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