25th December 2012

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“Merry Christmas!” The tall, bearded man exclaimed as the front door swung open. Stevie hugged her younger brother tightly. “Hello Christopher. Merry Christmas.” She whispered back to him. Christopher looked down at his older sister and she moved back to look up at him. “How’re you?” He asked, knowing all to well that his sister was blissfully happy. Stevie smiled. “I’ve never been better.” She replied. Christopher walked through into the living room, leaving Stevie to greet Lori and Jessica. Christopher quickly spotted Lindsey, chatting to his older brother, Jeff, on the couch. “Hey guys!” He greeted them. “Hey, man! Merry Christmas.” Lindsey said, standing up to hug him. “Merry Christmas to you too. I got a bottle of wine here; where should I put it?” “Follow me!” Christopher followed Lindsey into the kitchen, handing the wine to him and watching as he tried to find a place to put it in the stocked fridge. “So, how’s life, now that you’re back with my sister?” Christopher asked. “It’s great. We hardly fight, if you can believe that, and she’s really got the hang of things as far as the kids go.” “She always was good with kids. Not with me but y’know.” Lindsey laughed, handing Christopher a can of beer. As he drank some of it, Christopher watched as Lindsey suddenly became nervous. “What’s up, man?” He asked, setting the can down on the worktop.” “I kinda have a big surprise for Stevie, but I don’t know if I should give it to her. I’m afraid she’ll reject the idea I’m going to propose to her.” Christopher's eyes widened. “This I cannot wait to see!” He said, enjoying Lindsey’s pain.

A Few Hours Later

Lindsey nervously stood up, calling for the attention of everyone in the room. He could tell by looking at everyone’s faces that Christopher had managed to get around all of the guests and told them about the surprise waiting for Stevie. “Erm, hi. I’d first of all like to thank you all for coming to spend Christmas with us. This is the first of many Christmases that Stevie and I will be sharing together and we’re both for thankful that you all came to join in on our happiness. So thank you again.” All of the guests cheered but a hush came over the room as quickly as it had left. “Anyway, I can tell by Stevie’s face that she wasn’t expecting me to be making a speech. That would be because I didn’t tell her about this. And, from the looks on all your faces, I know that Christopher Nicks over there has told you what’s about to happen.” A quiet laughter filled the room as everyone looked at a grinning Christopher  Lindsey put his drink down on the nearby coffee table and walked over to Stevie. “So, Ms Nicks. I have one last present for you on this, our first Christmas together in over 30 years.” Stevie watched in silence as Lindsey took her hand and got down on one knee. “Stephanie Lynn Nicks, I have loved you from the moment I set eyes on you, that night in 1966. I never stopped loving you, even when you broke my heart time and time again. I should have stopped caring years ago, but I didn’t, and I’m glad. I remember coming to your hotel room in the middle of the night when you were upset about Robin, even though I had a girlfriend at the time. I remember scraping you off the floor and booking you into rehab when your coke addiction got so bad I thought I was gonna loose you. But I couldn’t loose you. I just couldn’t because you just meant - and still mean - so much to me. And then, after years of abuse, the light in your eyes finally returned and I just knew that everything was gonna be okay. And now, after all this time, here we are.” Stevie's eyes had began to fill with tears. 'This can't be real. He can't be...' Her mind screamed, her thoughts so loud she was sure they weren't thoughts at all. “So, I’ve asked you this question three times before – once in 1973, again in 1976 and again in 1987 – and every time, you told me, flat out, no. I’m hoping that this time, you’ll say yes.” Lindsey took a deep breath and pulled out a little red velvet box from his pocket. “Stephanie Lynn Nicks, would you do me the honour of finally, after all these years, becoming my wife?” He opened the box and the room with gasps at the ring inside. “What do you say Stevie? You gonna give me a break for once?” Lindsey asked. Stevie was speechless. She hadn’t expected this, not at all. But she felt it was time. She nodded. Lindsey’s eyes widened. “Was that a… yes?” He asked hesitantly. Stevie nodded again. “Yes. Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes, you old fart! C'mere!” She exclaimed. Applause from their guests filled the room as Lindsey slipped the ring onto Stevie’s finger. Stevie didn't even admire the ring; she threw her arms around Lindsey and pressed her lips to his. That night, once all their guests had left and they were left alone in the house, the soon to be Mr & Mrs Buckingham made love more passionately than they ever had before. “I love you, Lindsey. I love you, I love you, I love you. Forever.” Stevie whispered, kissing Lindsey’s face over and over again. “And I love you too, Steph; always and forever.”

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