June 2012

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Stevie sat at her piano, running her fingers across the keys. She had missed her own piano; it was the only thing she really missed about her own house when she was on tour. But now she was on a break and she could get back to making her demos. Just as she was about play a melody that had been stuck in her head for the past week, the phone rang. Sighing, Stevie picked the phone up. “Hello?” She answered. “Stevie?” Stevie’s heart skipped a beat. She hadn’t heard from Lindsey in months and now here he was, calling her. “Lindsey? Hi!” “Hi Stevie.” Stevie could hear the relief in Lindsey’s voice; he probably thought she would hang up on him. “How’re you?” Lindsey asked. “Good, good. How about you?” “I’m good.” “So, why are you calling?” Stevie asked when Lindsey hesitated to continue. “Well, I was taking to Mick about some new songs for the Mac. So he, John and I recorded three songs. But now… We need you. I need you.” Stevie smiled. “Aw, Linds.” Lindsey chuckled. “So, will you come?” “Come where?” “Here.” “To your house, with Kristen there? Lindsey, I don’t think so.” Lindsey sighed. “Kit is fine with it…” “You asked her?!” “Yes, Stevie. Of course I asked her.” “Surely she can’t want me there!” “She’ll be here the whole time. And she’s gotten over it. Or she seems to.” “Well… If Kristen is okay with it.” “Great! I’ll see you in two weeks then?” “Sure. I’ll be bringing Karen with me. Is that okay?” “That’s fine. And bring any songs you have that you think we could record.” “Okay. See you soon Linds.” “See you soon Steph.”

2 Weeks Later

Stevie fiddled with her hair nervously, watching the trees fly past as the car sped down the busy streets of Los Angeles. From the moment she put the phone down after speaking with Lindsey, Stevie had regretted ever agreeing to go to his house to record with him. It wouldn’t be so bad if Mick and John were going to be there, but they weren’t; it would just be Stevie and Lindsey, all alone.

Suddenly, Stevie felt a slap on her hands. She looked to her left, frowning. Karen shook her head at her boss and best friend of over 20 years. “Stevie, it’s only Lindsey. What are you so worried about?” Stevie sighed. “What if something happens?” Karen smiled. “So what?” She replied. Stevie laughed. “That’s rich, coming from you! Miss Karen, who hated Lindsey Buckingham for what he’d done to me.” Karen shrugged. “The last time you two got together proved to me that he really does love you as much as you love him.” “But he went back to Kristen.” Stevie challenged. “So? It was a mutual agreement between the two of you. I was there when you had the conversation, remember?” Stevie sighed; how could she forget a conversation like that? “Promise me you won’t let anything happen?” She begged Karen. Karen sighed and nodded, going back to her iPhone. Stevie nodded and turned back to the window. She reminisced on old times spent in down town L.A. with Lindsey, when it was just the two of them and they didn’t have a dollar to their name. Stevie smiled as she passed the record store she had bought all of her records in and the cafes that Lindsey had taken her too on their rare date nights, when they could afford it. After about 5 minutes, Stevie fell asleep with a smile on her face and the image of Lindsey’s handsome face in her mind.

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