January 2010

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“Stevie! Someone's on the phone for you!” Stevie popped her around round the door, her glasses balanced on the bridge of her nose. “Who is it, Karen?” She asked her assistant. “Lindsey.” Karen replied, without looking up. Stevie smiled; although she knew Karen had mixed feelings about Lindsey and thought that she should still be pissed off at him for everything that had gone on between them, Stevie couldn’t help but be happy that he was calling. And she couldn’t help hiding her happiness, which pissed Karen off even more. “Thank you, Karen!” Stevie called, walking back into her living room. “Yea, yea.” Karen replied with her eyes still glued to the computer screen. “Hello?” Stevie said into the phone. “When are you gonna get with the program and get a cell phone?” Stevie chuckled. “Lindsey, you know I’m totally old school. Plus I don’t have a teenager in the house to teach me all about iCells or whatever it is they’re called.” Lindsey sighed. “iPhones.” He corrected her. “Same thing.” Stevie replied, waving away his correction with her dainty, red nailed hand. She settled herself on the couch, getting comfortable to talk to her musical partner. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of a call from you, Mr Buckingham?” Stevie asked, taking a sip of her herbal tea. Lindsey chuckled. “I heard through the grapevine – ” “So from Mick?” Stevie cut him off. “Yes, from Mick. He told me you’re doing a new record.” “Yea. Actually, I am.” “Who’s producing it?” Lindsey asked quickly. “Always with the business questions. Not ‘Are you writing anything about me, Stevie’. No just ‘Who’s producing it, Stevie?’” “Well, alright; are you writing anything about me, Stevie?” Stevie laughed. “Shut up you. I don’t know yet. And to answer your earlier question: Dave Stewart is producing it.” “As in Eurythmics Dave Stewart?” Lindsey asked. “Yep.” Stevie replied, taking another sip of her tea. “Hmm. Why didn’t you ask me?” Lindsey asked. Stevie sighed. “Because Lindsey. You have a life of your own. We can’t do everything together.” “I didn’t say we had to!” Lindsey replied, raising his voice a little. A short hush filled the air on both sides of the telephone; Stevie could hear the sound of laughing children on Lindsey’s end, Lindsey could hear the distant music of Joni Mitchell playing on Stevie’s end. “I don’t wanna fight with you, Linds.” Stevie said at last. “I don’t want to either.” Lindsey replied. “Good. So we’re in agreement for once.” Lindsey laughed. “Makes a change, doesn’t it?” He asked. Stevie’s dirty laugh filled his ears and made him smile; oh, how he loved her laugh. “You may not be producing this album. But who knows? I may need your help later on.” Stevie said reassuringly. “Yea. Okay, Stevie, okay.” Lindsey replied weakly.

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