April 2011

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Lindsey frowned in concentration as he picked at the strings of his guitar. He felt feminine hands rest on his shoulders and he smiled weakly over his shoulder. “Hey Kit.” Kristen smiled and kissed his cheek. “How’s the song going, babe?” She asked. Lindsey nodded, not really wanted to talk to the woman he had mistakenly chosen to be his lawfully wedded wife.

Everything had gone wrong for Lindsey in the last few months. He had lived happily with Stevie for 5 months, until she and Dave finished recording the album that had become Stevie’s first release in 10 years, In Your Dreams. But the guilt had become too much for both of them. Lindsey missed his children terrible and felt bad about how things had ended with Kristen. And Stevie felt awful about taking Lindsey away from his children. Of course, the children stayed with them at the weekends. But they didn’t know that their father and Aunt Stevie were involved once again. For all Will, LeeLee and Stella knew, Lindsey was staying with his good friend Stevie to cut down on hotel bills. However, it all became too much and they both agreed that Lindsey had to go back to Kristen and the children, at least until they could figure everything out.

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