26th May 2009

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Lindsey stirred and woke slowly a few hours later. His right hand roamed the bed for Stevie, but found only an empty space beside him. Confused, he got up and wandered around the huge hotel room, eventually finding himself standing on the balcony. After a few minutes, he heard the familiar call of his name come from inside. “Out here!” He called, not taking his eyes off the city view below. He felt Stevie’s presence behind him, her eyes watching him. “Why don’t you come stand with me? Instead of creeping around back there.” Stevie chuckled. “Because I’ve just gotten out of the shower and you have messy sex hair. God knows what people will think we’ve been doing.” It was Lindsey’s turn to chuckle. “You never hold back, do you Ms Nicks?” He asked, turning around to look at her. Stevie stood just inside the door, so that only Lindsey could see her. She had on a long cream silk dressing gown. her long blonde hair was damp and hanging down her back. “You’ll get your dressing gown wet.” Lindsey said, walking towards her. “Mm. I’ll just have to get dressed then, won’t I?” Stevie walked back into the bedroom, Lindsey right on her tail. “Will I have to leave?” Lindsey asked, lying back on the bed again as Stevie moved around the room, gathering her clothes and makeup. “No, no. I’ll just lock myself in the bathroom so you can’t get in.” Lindsey stuck his tongue out at her. “Spoil sport.” He muttered. Stevie put her things in the bathroom and walked back into the bedroom. She sat on the bed by Lindsey and smiled weakly. “Linds, I’m trying here. Gimme a break.” Lindsey took hold of her hand. “I’m sorry, Steph. But… It’s still hard, y’know?” Stevie nodded, squeezing Lindsey’s hand. “Let me get dressed and we’ll go for breakfast together. You can treat me ‘cause I’m the birthday girl. How about that, huh?” Lindsey smiled. “Sure, Stevie.” Stevie kissed his cheek and rushed off to get dressed, leaving Lindsey to get lost in his thoughts.

Later That Day

Stevie watched as Lindsey walked back up to his microphone to address their huge audience. “Erm, well, I don’t know how many of you know this – most likely all of you – but today is Stevie’s birthday.” The crowd cheered, making Stevie blush. “I won’t say how old she is; as we all know, it’s rude to ask a lady her age or to tell a lady’s age. But, I will say one thing.” Lindsey looked over at Stevie and grinned. “You’re looking good for a little old lady, Ms Nicks.” The audience burst into applause, making Stevie’s face go scarlet. “Careful, Mr Buckingham. Remember you’re married!” Stevie said, wagging her finger at a smug looking Lindsey. She could just and so hear Mick and John laughing hysterically behind her. “As you can see everybody, Mick and John found Lindsey’s comment hilarious.” Stevie waved in the direction of John and Mick, who couldn’t help but laugh louder. “See what I have to deal with?” Stevie asked the crowd, who seemed to agree and sympathise with her. Lindsey walked idly over as Stevie introduced the next song. “Okay, this next song is one known by you all. I just know it is. It’s such an old song but it’s a good one, if I do say so myself. And tonight, on my birthday, I’d like to dedicate it to Lindsey.” Lindsey reached Stevie’s side and draped his arm around her shoulders. Reaching up to hold the hand that lay over her shoulder, Stevie continued. “This song was written for and is about Lindsey. Without him, I wouldn’t have this song; I wouldn’t have anything. So tonight, on the most special night of the year for me, when I get a little older, and time makes me bolder, I want to remind Lindsey how much he means to me. Don’t get me wrong; these two idiots behind us are loved too. But – and I think they’ll agree – that Lindsey is extra special to me. So… This is Landslide. And tonight, it’s for Lindsey.”

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