1 Week Later

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Stevie sat at her vanity, carefully putting her makeup on. Her hand shook as she applied her lipstick. “Oh. To hell with it.” She muttered, throwing the lipstick back into her makeup bag. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, wondering why she wore nothing but black. “Because it makes you look thinner.” She reminded herself, walking over to the huge window in her bedroom. Her heart started pounding when she noticed a car pulling into her driveway and Dave walking out to meet it. Stevie thought she might faint as she watched Lindsey appear from inside the car and give Dave a hug. “He’s here. He’s actually here.” She told herself, making her way downstairs.

Lindsey followed Dave into the house, his nerves getting the better of him. Lindsey had promised himself he wouldn’t let anything get to him; not the beautiful house with its romantic atmosphere where he would be staying and definitely not the owner of the house. “Well hello, Mr Buckingham.” A voice echoed from above. Looking up, Lindsey watched Stevie make her way down the stairs to him. “Fitting you should be coming down from above because you’re such an angel.” Lindsey said as he out his guitar case and travel bag on the floor. “You always were the charmer, Lindsey.” Stevie said as she approached him. They embraced, holding each other tightly and forgetting that Dave was still there. “Hello, my angel.” Lindsey whispered into Stevie’s ear. “Hello, my little demon.” Stevie replied, making both of them chuckle. Dave cleared his throat and their embrace ended. Stevie chuckled. “Sorry Dave. I haven’t seen Lindsey in a while and I’ve missed him.” Lindsey smiled at Stevie. “Anyway, Dave you go back into the mixing room and I’ll show Lindsey to his room.” Dave saluted Stevie and walked back into the living room, which had become the mixing room in the past few months. Stevie picked Lindsey’s travel bag up. “Get your guitar and follow me.” “Yes ma’am.” Lindsey replied, picking up his guitar case and following her up the winding staircase.

“So, where’s that assistant of yours? I was so looking forward to seeing her!” Stevie chuckled at Lindsey’s sarcasm. “I’ve given Karen the week off. She wasn’t too happy about you coming here.” Lindsey frowned. “Why?” Stevie stopped at a door and turned to looked at him. “She doesn’t trust us.” She opened the door and motioned for Lindsey to go into his temporary living quarters. Looking around the bedroom, Lindsey thought it reminded him of his first apartment with Stevie. It was quite simple looking, but chic. Of course, all this furniture cost thousands of dollars, while the furniture in their apartment had cost about $150 in total. “I felt this room was very… You.” Stevie said, walking around him and setting his bag down on the large king-size bed. “You were right.” Lindsey said, putting his guitar case on the bed next to his bag. “Do you like it then?” Stevie asked, looking up at him. Lindsey smiled down at her. “I really do, Steph.”

Stevie sat at the mixing desk with Dave, watching and listening to Lindsey play exactly what it was Soldier’s Angel needed. “Well, Stevie; you were right. Lindsey is exactly what this song needed.” Dave said, smiling at her. Stevie looked at him smugly. “Exactly. Screw Karen. She doesn’t realise that sometimes, Lindsey is essential for my songs. He knows my music better than anyone, even before he’s heard it.” “I can tell.” Dave said, adjusting some switches on the desk in front of him. Stevie touched his arm gently. “I hope it doesn’t offend you that I felt I needed Lindsey on this song.” Dave smiled at her. “Not at all. I knew Lindsey would get involved one way or another.” Stevie smiled uneasily. Did she really depend on Lindsey that much?

Lindsey walked back into the mixing room, met with applause from Stevie. “Lindsey, that was exactly what the song needed!” She exclaimed. Lindsey took a seat beside her. “I’m glad you liked it.” “Do you two want to listen to it, make sure it’s all okay?” Dave asked. Stevie and Lindsey both nodded and sat back, their eyes closed, to listen to their song. They held each other’s hand tightly all the way through. By the end of the song, Stevie was in tears. “Lindsey, that is the closest we have come to Buckingham Nicks in years. And I can’t thank you enough for this.” Lindsey, his cheeks now wet with tears too, kissed Stevie’s hands. “Thank you, Stevie.” 

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