The Next Day

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Lindsey finally stirred as the morning turned into afternoon. He had a massive hangover; Stevie clearly still thought the only way to get over a major upset was a couple glasses of whiskey, a remedy that Lindsey was no longer used to, followed by a strenuous session of lovemaking. Lindsey turned over onto his back and groaned. His head was pounding and he was pretty sure his spine was twisted. Stevie really knew how to ride him when she’d had a drink, so to speak. As Lindsey slowly came back to life, he could hear the low hum of Stevie’s voice coming from downstairs. He smiled and rose from the bed. After showering, wrapped in his bathrobe and with his hair still wet, Lindsey made his way downstairs. He said hello to the cameramen as he passed them. “No filming guys; I’m not decent.” The cameramen laughed with him as he walked by. Lindsey smiled when he spotted Stevie sitting with Dave in the kitchen. He stood in the kitchen doorway, listening to the song Stevie was singing as Dave accompanied her on his guitar.

But you need some rest

My darling, it's best

But we've already passed it, I cried

Oowee, listen to me

My secret love secretly died.”

Lindsey clapped and walked towards them. Stevie looked over her shoulder and smiled up at her love. “Hi.” She greeted him quietly. Lindsey took his place by Stevie side and put his arm around her shoulders. “Hi.” He greeted her in the same hushed tone. He leant down and kissed her deeply. “Well… I’m just gonna go and…” Dave said, getting up from his seat. Stevie laughed at him. Dave smiled. “I’m glad you’re happy, Stevie; you too, Lindsey. I always knew you’d find your way back to one another.” “Thank you, Dave.” Lindsey replied, shaking Dave’s hand. As Dave made his way out of the room, Lindsey took his seat opposite Stevie. “Good morning.” Stevie said. “Morning.” Lindsey replied, taking Stevie’s hand in his. “Would you like some breakfast?” Stevie asked, letting go of Lindsey’s hand and walking round to the stove. Lindsey frowned but shrugged it off. “Sure. What’s on the menu?” He asked. Stevie looked at him as if to say ‘are you serious?’. “What?” Lindsey asked innocently. “Lindsey, I know we haven’t been together like this in over 30 years but I haven’t changed that much when it comes to cooking breakfast. Surely you must remember what I used to cook for you.” Lindsey chuckled. “I try not to. Because then I remember the many mishaps caused by myself in the kitchen.” Stevie chuckled. “You still have yet to buy me a new electric skillet.” Lindsey laughed, remembering that particular, infamous mishap. He watched as Stevie got some eggs and began to crack them open. “You aren’t going to make me one of your delicious omelets are you, my darling Stephanie?” Lindsey asked, joining her by the stove. “I am, Lindsey dear.” Lindsey kissed her cheek, going on to nuzzle her neck, making her giggle. “What’s all this?” The two of them turned to look at Karen, who stood in the doorway with a disapproving look on her face. “Hey Karen.” Stevie greeted her brightly. Lindsey simply gave her a small wave. “Hi… What’s going on?” Karen asked, confused. “Kristen kicked me out.” Lindsey replied. Karen stared at him, speechless. “She found out about Stevie and I. So we’re getting a divorce.” Karen looked from Lindsey’s face to Stevie’s turned back. “So… No more secret affairs?” Lindsey grinned and nodded his head. "As always Karen, you are correct." Stevie, still turned away from Lindsey and Karen, grimaced with guilt.

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