2 Hours Later

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Lindsey sat down at the kitchen table, coffee mug in hand, reading the newspaper. He looked his usual calm, collected self on the outside. But on the inside, he was a nervous wreck. It didn’t matter if Kristen was okay with Stevie coming to stay for a few days so they could work. Lindsey himself couldn’t stand the thought of his wife and the woman he had loved since he was 16 being in the same house together. The thought alone made him shudder. The fact it would soon be reality was almost too much to handle. His worries disappeared for a few seconds when his youngest child, Stella, ran up to him, clutching a piece of paper to her chest. Lindsey smiled adoringly at his daughter. “What have you go there, princess?” He asked her. She presented the paper to him, which had a drawing on the other side of it. Three faces smile up at him, with the names ‘Stella’, ‘Daddy’ and ‘Stevie’ written above them. “Is this us and Aunt Stevie?” Lindsey asked, much to Stella’s enjoyment. She nodded happily. “Will drew musical notes around it, cos you’re gonna be making music with Stevie. And LeeLee helped me draw all your curls.” Lindsey smiled at his children’s joint effort to create something, which he assumed was for Stevie. “Are you going to give this to Aunt Stevie when she gets here?” He asked, to which Stella replied to with a rapid nod of her head. “LeeLee is making something too. And Will bought Stevie a pretty pen when he was with his friend yesterday at the mall, so she can write in her books.” “In her journals? That was very nice of him. I’m sure she’ll love all of your gifts.” Stella grinned and kissed her father lovingly on his cheek. “I love you Daddy.” Lindsey smiled. “I love you too, Stella.” Suddenly, LeeLee ran into the kitchen, with Will following casually behind her. “Aunt Stevie’s here!” LeeLee exclaimed.

Stevie took a deep breath, looking up at the beautiful house that Lindsey had made his home with Kristen and their children. She watched as Karen walked up to the door to knock, only to have the door swing open before she had the chance and Lindsey three children pounce on her. “Karen!” She heard them exclaim, even Will, who was now well into his teen years. Stevie smiled, happy to see the three little Bucks, but she was glad that they couldn’t see her through the darkened windows. When Lindsey appeared, dressed casually in blue jeans, a white V-neck t-shirt and old loafers, with his hair a mess of grey curls, Stevie’s heart began to race. He looked more and more handsome every time she saw him; and every time she saw him, she wanted him more and more. But the more she wanted him, the more she felt guilty, especially now, when the three reasons for her guilt were bright in front of her. Stevie took a deep breath and got out of the car. No sooner had she shut the car door, where the three little Bucks upon her. She grinned at them, overjoyed to see them all. “Hello my sweethearts. How are you?” “We made you these, Stevie!” LeeLee exclaimed, as she and Stella handed her their drawings. Stevie smiled at the pictures, which both contained images of herself and Lindsey. “Thank you, darlings. They are fabulous. I especially like your daddy’s curls.” The two girls grinned and skipped off ahead of Stevie and Will. Stevie turned to him and smiled. “Hi Will.” She said. Will smiled back at her. “Hi Stevie.” He replied, hugging her. When the hug ended, Stevie put her arm around Will's shoulders. “I’m not much of a an artist, so I bought you something.” He handed her a long box. “Oh Will, you shouldn’t have.” Stevie opened it, gasping at the beauitufl pen inside. It was covered in fragments of colours mirror, which were all arranged in a pattern. Stevie kissed Will on the cheek and put her arm back around his shoulders. “Thank you. It’s gorgeous.” “I thought you could write in your journals with it.” Stevie nodded. “Good idea, little Buck.” “I thought Buck was my nickname.” Stevie looked up, not realizing how far they had walked. She was standing write in front of the house now, with Lindsey only metres away from her. He looked even better up close. “Hey Steph.” He greeted her. Stevie softened immediately, pushing all her worries to the back of her mind. She smiled at him. “Hey Linds.”

Stevie walked behind the three Buckingham children, as they fought each other to carry her largest suitcase to her room; Will was being logical, saying it was too heavy for them, but the girls wanted to carry it because it was pink and oh so very pretty. Lindsey chuckled beside her. “I think they’re happy to see you.” He said. Stevie smiled. “I’m happy to see them too.” “They certainly missed you. I did too.” Lindsey hesitantly held onto Stevie’s pinkie finger, a gesture that was so familiar that it didn’t take Stevie at all by surprise. “I missed you too, Linds.” She replied, finally looking up at Lindsey. She was surprised to see him looking down at her, affection and adoration filling his bright blue eyes. Stevie looked away, refusing to let Lindsey see her scarlet cheeks. It was too little, too late. Lindsey smirked. “I’m glad to see I can still make you blush after all these years. Stevie slapped his chest with her free hand. “Shut up, Buck.”

They eventually arrived at the door to what would be Stevie’s bedroom for the week. “We thought this would be the perfect room for you.” Lindsey said, following Stevie and the children through the door. Stevie grinned as she looked around the room. It was painted pink and had fur throws and candles everywhere. It just screamed Stevie’s name. “It was never an intentional thing. But once the room was done, it instantly reminded me of you.” Lindsey explained. Stevie grinned up at him. “It’s perfect. Thank you.” Karen walked in, her eyes wide with shock. “My God, Stevie. Did you call ahead for all this?” Stevie and Lindsey laughed. “Nope. He just knows me very well.” Stevie replied, pulling her pinkie from Lindsey’s grasp and replacing it with her whole hand.

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