Chapter 29

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"You're too nice sometimes, Leo. You give them an inch, and they walk all over you." Takumi crossed his arms, furious with my words.

"Big brother!" Sakura looked at Takumi then back at me.

"...How would you know?" My voice lowered. "Do you know the pressures I deal with? Your problems are tiny compared to mine. If I did end up banishing her, it would lead to unfavorable results. Then more conflict would arise. It's not being nice, Takumi. It's being handled assertively and diplomatically rather than being nasty. So tell me, am I being too nice?"

Takumi was left with a blank expression, lost for words. "No..."

"That's what I thought. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to have a word with Peri." And with that, I left Sakura and Takumi to the garrison.

Peri was insisting Laslow to dance yet he kept refusing.

"Stop staring at me...." he blushed. "Felicia wouldn't like that."

"Not even a dance for your partner is crime?" Peri pouted.

Laslow sighed, "I hate when you play that card."

Peri's expression brightened up a little. "So you'll dance for me?"


"Peri. We need to talk privately." I interrupted them with no hesitation.

Peri looked a little surprised, "O-Oh. Okay."

Laslow slipped away and closed the door behind him. My chocolate brown eyes met with Peri's wonderous crimson eyes. "We need to have a talk about your conduct behavior. It's unacceptable and I have no tolerance for it."

"I don't mean to do it on purpose. It's just who I am. I'm Peri! P for pulverize, E for eviscerate, R for ruin, and I for impale! Kee hee!" She giggled.

"Peri, you take it way too far. I understand you adorn yourself in enemy's blood, but it's not right to be ruthless and to the point of threatening your allies. You're nothing more than the enemy if you keep this act up."

"Stop..." A single tear shed down Peri's pale cheek.

"Would Xander approve of this behavior?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Lord Xander wouldn't bring me aside and tell me. He loved the way I was. I may not be the sweetest like Felicia, or discipline like Flora, but I bring something useful to him. He chose me for a reason...I miss him...nobody could ever....ever top him..." Peri broke down into tears. "I wish he was still here. He would make a wonderful King..."

I balled my hand into a fist. "There it is again. Xander this, Xander that. I'm not Xander nor will I ever be! Even when he has deceased, I still live in his shadow! What is it that makes him so great?! Nobody cannot accept the fact that he's gone. I miss him and Elise too, but everyone must realize that I'm nothing like him nor do I want to!" I stormed out angrily.

As I stormed out, Midori and Shigure were outside, eavesdropping. "Nosy children. Don't you have anything better to do than listen in on other people's conversation?!"


I was only worried with what was going on, but it seems like I managed to make Father angry. Not only that, but I got Shigure in trouble as well. Father stormed into his room only leaving his door slightly ajar.

Shigure took my hand gently and walked away. Father's words echoed in my mind. "Nosy...I was only concerned." I pondered to myself. He-he wouldn''s not that cruel...I felt my hands becoming clammy and shaky.

"Midori?" Shigure turned to me giving a concerned yet worried look. "Is something wrong?"


"Midori...There's no need to cry. We can talk in private if you'd like." Shigure placed his hands on my shoulders.

I nodded, holding back the tears that would soon rush down like a waterfall. Passing by his room, Father was weeping.

"Gods..." Leo fell to the floor. "Where are you when I need you the Queen..."

"Father..." I whispered to myself.

~Chapter done by HumbleTomato~

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