Chapter 21

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Wow! The underground towns in Nohr sure are amazing! They would probably better covered in blood, but I wasn't allowed to murder any citizens.

"Um, excuse me Peri," Laslow said. I looked down at him from my horse with a smile.


"Don't you think you should... make it look like you're not trying to stab everyone?"

"He's right! We're here to make justice!" Arthur added. Effie didn't say anything. I look at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You just have that... look in your eye." I got angry and threw my arms in the air, forgeting about my lance. I heard a scream, and Laslow looked horrified. I turned around to see a woman stabbed with my lance. Her beautiful red blood had gotten far. I pulled out my lance with a smile.

"Sorry about that 'mam!" I apologized.

"Hold in there miss! Someone grab a cleric for justice!" Arthur ordered. I continued to go in the direction we were supposed to go in.

"Peri! Where do you think you're going?" a masculine voice asked. "You made this mess!"

"I didn't make it. It's that lady's blood."

"You were the one who threw your-" I pointed my lance at him and gave him a glare. People were shouting.

"I told you, it's not my fault!" I felt a small object hit my armor. I turned around and saw a little kid panting.

"YOU! YOU WERE ONE OF PRINCE XANDER'S RETAINERS! YOU'RE JUST AS TERRIBLE AS KING GARON!" the kid shouted. Some people yelled in agreement. I got angry, and tears ran down my face.


I watched in horror as they started to agree. I felt a little faint having Pieri's lance pointed to my throat, and a bunch of angry people wanting to kill us.

"P-Peri, let's j-just continue to the next town," I managed to say. She gritted her teeth. She started shouting things, but I had passed out.

~Chapter done by NekoTriforce~

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