Chapter 18

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I gave a sheepish grin while looking at who was probably King Leo. "U-Uh, they put us like this!" I replied. Midori looked at me as if I were an idiot. Shiro finally picked the lock successfully and set us free. I hugged Shiro tightly when I got out.

"Please... be more careful next time Kiragi," he said, hugging me tighter.

"I really hate to break the moment, but if we don't move it, we'll be in big trouble," Shigure said, holding unto Midori tightly.

"Isn't there a way back into the castle from here?" Corrin asked.

"Yes, somewhere over there," the light-blue haired singer replied. He pointed to where a dark opening could be seen.

"Shiro, Midori, Kiragi, and Shigure, you leave while Corrin and I stop this Black Market. Tell Camilla to send soldiers underground," King Leo ordered.


"Go," he inturrupted Shiro in a low voice. I pulled Shiro towards the opening with Shigure and Midori following. We walked in the dark silently until we reached the stairs back up. There, we saw a blonde-haired mage and a white-haired outlaw.

"Uncle Odin! Uncle Niles!" Midori said, dashing up the stairs. I followed her.

"Where's Camilla? We need to send troops down there now!" Shigure said.

"Right here!" a femine voice said. It was the one and only purple-haired nohrian princess, Camilla, and an army of soldiers.

"MY ACHING BLOOD! You must stay safe in the castle, therefore you don't see what my power can do," the blonde-haired mage ordered.

"Let's go to the infirmary, we need to talk and heal up," Shigure said, glaring a few daggers at me. We quickly left.

~Chapter done by NekoTriforce~

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