Chapter 17

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I was in a very awkward position with Kiragi. He was on top of me, looking like he was the man in charge when it comes to dominating. I flushed red as a tomato. Oh if Shigure saw this, he would have Kiragi's head.

"But I wanted you to stay safe! Now you're tangled in this mess with me!" Kiragi sighed looking over me.

"But I wanted you back safe and sound! I care too much to see you suffer because I—never mind..." I trailed off, looking to the side.

"Because what, Midori?" His voice softened a bit.

"Because I...I love you..." I whispered, hoping he could hear my gentle voice.

Kiragi's soft lips gently met mine. My first kiss, it was truly thrilling.

Shigure, Leo, Shiro, and Corrin barged in shocking us. Shigure's eyes widened and he closed his fists.

"If you say something, they'll find us." Corrin said.

Shigure clamped his mouth. Shiro began picking at the lock.

"Care to explain what's going on?" Leo crossed his arms.

~Chapter done by HumbleTomato~

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