Chapter 20

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I walked into the garrison where retainers lingered. My heart felt heavy, I know that they have failed my brother and sister, but it's not smart to send others to their death. Walking near them, I could hear their voices.


"Please! Tea and scones for milady!"

"Using my weakness of sweets won't charm me!"

"It can if I beg some more."

"I wonder what color your blood is, Laslow..."


How could they be so cheerful and lively after what happened to their masters...? Do they...not care? I decided to go in and see what was going on.

The four retainers froze in place and looked at me.

"L-lady Camilla!!" Laslow stuttered and kissed my hand. I wiped his kiss away and closed my eyes. "King Leo has ordered you all to destroy and arrest all who are involved with the Black Market."

"I'm feeling stabby!" Peri smirked, looking at Laslow.

"I'll do long as I'm not the end at Peri's lance."

"Justice strikes!" Arthur raised his fist in the air.

Effie nodded, "I'll help."

"Excellent." I turned around and made my exit.


I left Lord Leo's presence and walked down the halls. Odin joined my side.

"A question for my humble partner in crime from Odin the Dark."

"What is it?" I answered.

"Is thee Eu—"

"I'm not answering that. Why do you ask?"

" mind is just a curious one."

"Huh. Did you hear Lord Leo sending out Prince Xander and Princess Elise's retainers out to find some more Black Markets?"

"I have not...should we accompany them?"

"No. He said nothing of the kind."

Odin nodded, "Alright." He then left. I was alone.

"If they do succeed...I hope they don't kill you..."

~Chapter done by HumbleTomato~

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