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I am falling,
Not in love as I did before,
It was not as beautiful nor was it pure
Yet it was just as unpredicted.

I was tainted, my love;
Marked by fear,
Scarred by pain,
Drowned by guilt,
Forced to be hidden, to be erased,
Simply because I loved too much
And did not think enough.

Even the stars were never as bright
To light the dark pit that was pulling me away,
They still shone
But it was with the light of betrayal,
They formed constellations that mocked me,
Laughed at my misery,
Grinned at the place they had put me.

Fate joined them,
Relishing in my heartbreak,
Watching me fall like a snowflake,
Hitting the hard ground
Just to be stomped on
By the invisible feet of my mockers.

I was helpless,
For I was nothing but a girl
With crushed hopes of the future
And broken pieces of her tormented soul.

A mere girl
Who was bent upon the wrath of her fate,
Of what was written in her stars,
A girl as delicate as a snowflake
Who had to be just as cold.

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