Chapter Eight: Impossible

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It was a couple of weeks since my dad left and my mom gave me back my money cause she felt happy seeing dad in a couple of years, but I spent my time with her, cause I only get to see her for so long.

That night the phone rang and when my mom hung up the phone she layed down in started crying. When I quietly walked in, I asked what was wrong, she said that dad got hurt, but they don't know how, she also said he's not dead he is just injured and in the hospital. I ran back into my room balling. I didn't want to see him ever again!

The next day I went to see him in the hospital, even though I don't want to my mom forced me. I walked in, he layed there with scars all over his face, it was so bad I could not look. Even though it was painful, I ran up and hugged him. We sat there and visited and talked with him. That night when we left to go home, I went to hug him again, but this time I got close ans whispered in his ear, " When I get back tomorrow, you are going to be laying here, you promise right?" "Yes, of course, I promise." he whispered.

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