My Dance Style Dreams

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                                         CHAPTER ONE: NEVER AGAIN

I was on stage looking out into the crowd the light hitting me right in the face, I was a ballet dancer named Emmey with a tootoo and everything from the shoes to the hair bun, my mom made me do this ever since I was six  and today im thirteen and still doing it. Actually it's kind of fun showing how good I am. That night was a bad night, when I went to preform I took a leap and fell when sliding off the stage, I was hurt badly. I fell in a funny position with my leg bent backward. I was rushed to the hospital immediatly and they said I might never be able to dance again.

I stayed in the hospital for three days. When I went back home the hospital called saying that I can't dance for the next six months unless I recover quickly which probably won't happen.

Everyday I went to school with a cast and it's not as easy as you think, somebody has to carry your lunch and your books because your holding yourself up with a cruch. Everybody has been asking if I will ever be able to dance again, it just keeps reminding me that I can't for another six months. 

When I went home that day my friend, Febee who is also a dancer, said she got accepted to this dance school I have always wanted to go to, and since I didn't the letter i'm afraid I didn't get in. I had to get in though everybody says i'm an awsome dancer but maybe they didn't except me because I hurt myself. All I wish is to dance again, if I just did that stupid leap right. It will never be the same! I just felt like yelling that to my mom.I will dance before six months, I just will!

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