Chapter Six: WHY!!!!!

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  • Dedicated to I LOVE YOU FAMILY!!!!!!!!!

I tured around, looked her directly in the eye and said," I'm taking your money mom, but only for an important reason!", my mom asked me what was that reason, I told her that I need the money for dance school! She told me it wasn't that important to be in that dance school. "But that's  my money, I earned it myself, you don't deserve it!" She ripped it out of my hands anyway. I screamed WHY, WHY!!!!!! But she didn't care, because i'm not special to her, and i'll never will be! 

The next day at dance school they threw me out, because I didn't have the money. I called my mom to ask her to come pick me up, but she said she's not going to pick me up because I need to learn my lesson, but I had no way home, I was stuck their till' somebody wanted to either pick me up or steal me. Most moms would just pick their child up if they get kicked out of dance and if their mom stole their money that they made themselves and give a lecture when we get home, but my mom is not a normal mom so I don't even bother to talk to her for this very reason!

I Was so upset that my mom would do such a thing, I thought she (as an adult) would be more mature than that! Why doesn't she like me, why is she treating me this way. All of these questions kept stirring through my mind, WHY, WHY WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I ran down stairs and asked one simple question, why mom, why?!

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