Chapter Seven: DAD!

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  • Dedicated to MY WONDERFUL DAD!


My mom answered my question with a quiet, I can't bear to loose you like your father. "WHAT!", I answered back, " You told me he was in malasia, where is dad actually!", I said with anger. My mom told me he actually joined the army. I cried to my hearts content, "why did you tell me a lie, mom." She said she didnt want to hurt me and i told her that you only hurt me by not telling me! I ran up to my room crying, I dont know why she would do that to me!

A couple days later, when I came home that day from school, I called for my mom and she wasn't there, I called again and she wasn't there. When I went into the kitchen she was sitting there with a man who looked a lot like me and had an army suit on. As I looked closer I realized it was my DAD! OH MY GOSH, it's my dad! I ran to hug him and asked him what he was doing here. He said he came to visit it us. Then he said he would have to leave soon to go back to the army, but he is going to spend a couple days here, I was so excited!

This whole week I have been telling him what he had missed and my dancing skills, and everything! He is like my BEST FRIEND! Then came the last day, which was very hard to say goodbye, but I knew he was coming back soon, so I let him leave with a kiss and hug goodbye. As I waved goodbye, somehow I felt closer to my mom.

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