Chapter Five: Regrets and Sorrows

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I looked at her for a moment and she asked the same question for the third time, I said bake sales and lemonade stands and other fundraisers. She yelled at me I was crying as the tears slowly made their way down the cheek. I regret what I have done! Now I can't pay for my dance school since my mom took the money. My life is horrible! 

The next day at dance practice my dance instucter said, "Does everyone have their money!". I looked around to see if everyone brought their money, and they did, besides me. I felt like a poor person who can't pay for a cheap dance school that I got into! The dance instucter asked where is my money and I said I would have it by tomorrow but apperently it wasn't enough for them. They wanted to kick me out and I told them the story between me and my mom and they felt bad for me but if I didn't have my money by tomorrow I was going to be kicked out! Maybe I can beg my mom to give me my money back or I could steal the money if I have to and pay her back, but that is probably not a good idea the way she yelled at me.

When I went home I started crying and weeping trying to get my mom to give me my money back, but it didn't work. So then I was on to faze two, stealing the money, when I was reaching for it and was just about to grab it out of my mom's purse, I heard a voice behind me ask," WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!". I froze in silence.

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