Ember Island - Chapter 26 part 1

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After two days Nami and Zuko where on a boat to Ember Island; Nami was0 standing at the front of the boat watching the waves and the passing of the islands slowly but surely.  Zuko saw her standing at the front the ship  as he wanderedover putting his arms around nami.

" are you alright?" Zuko said as he gently kissed namis cheek, nami laughed as she looked at him

"Just watching the scenery.......im excited....just the two of us"nami said looking at him lovingly

Zuko smiled glad nami was excited "well what would you like to do at ember island." 

Nami took a moment to think but shrugged as she had never been on ember island before,  zuko smiled as he knew that she was not sure, zuko thought hom self a little.

"Well we can, go to the beach,  shopping, or a theatre which can be very.....annoying or completely wrong with some storys" zuko said smileing at her as nami turned to him gently toughing his side of the face he had the scar as zuko semed to be tence.  Nami could tell he still hated having it their.

"Zuko,  im happy with what ever we do as long as we are together.....and ........you do not need to be ashamed of it..........I love you the way you are " zuko seemed to look up at nami smiling.

Zuko and nami kissed for what seemed like forever then looked at each other smiling.  He brought her close to him as nami could feel his heart beat which was calm and gentle as they stayed like that as the cool air passed through them.

Nami was finally glad to get a brake with him away from it all.  As the ship came in to port the guards took their things to his old home on ember island as they both walked along the beach.  Zuko got an idea taking her to a tree that stood alone on the grass close to the beach as he smiled.

"What are we doing by this old tree " nami asked as Zuko smiled making her stand in front of him as he used a finger with a little bit of Fire and began to carve his name and hers their

" now this place will always be a place we can go to be our self's and a place that everyone will know we where here" Zuko said having his arms around her gently tryingto save the moment

" beautiful.......I guess this means this place is a part of us to" Zuko nodded at her comment as they began to walk to the place where they where going to stay.

Nami found it amazing as she walked around the halls looking at everything while Zuko followed behind her happy to see her energetic and happy self.  Zuko waited and caught her off guard and grabbed her round her waist playfully as thet both laughed.  This feeling nami had was pure joy.  She could feel Zuko felt the same way as she did.

As Zuko stopped laughing as did nami before Zuko brought her in for a deep kiss so suddenly.  Nami wrapped her arms around his neck as the kiss got deeper and more passionate.  Zuko broke the kiss for some breath before looking at her again smiling very happily at her.  Zuko really wanted more of her but worried she was not ready as he leaned to whisper in her ear.

" Nami. ......I want all of you.....but only when you are ready "  Zuko whispered before kissing her once again on the lips.  Zuko smiled standing back up about leave when she grabbed his sleeve gently. 

" Zuko I was always ready.....but I have never done anything like this" she whispered embaressed to say to him as he came close to kiss her gently on the lips and gave a gentle smile after.

" it's ok....I will be as gentle as I can " he said leading her to the bedroom which had a large bed and some decorative things around the room.

********* SMUT WARNING *******

Zuko gently took her to the bed before sitting facing one another.  Zuko took it slow starting with a kiss.  Nami kissed back slowly getting in to this as it began to get more heated and it turned in to deep passionate kisses.  Zuko took his shirt off and threw it to the side as he took Nami's hands to feel his chest as he put one hand on the back of her head and the other on her back.

Nami felt his muscular torso even with the slight scar from the adulation fight.  She didn't care as zuko gently loosened her belt on her watertribe dress and threw it away.  It got more heated and Zuko began to undress do the back of her dress slowly,  as he pulled the shoulder parts down to just above her chest exposing her shoulders.

Zuko began to slowly kiss her neck, leaving nami to lowly moan and hold to his bare back"  do you want me to continue?"  Nami was hesitant but wanted him to continue.

Nami helped him take off her dress leaving her in her bandage for her chest as he lowered her on to the bed more in the centre.  He continued to kiss down her neck and to her shoulder as he undid the bandages and took it off slowly exposition her chest.  Nami was embaressed covering up with her arms.

" Nami don't hide...you are beautiful.....if you wish to stop you only need to say so" nami blushed before moving her hands away she kissed Zuko once more as they both began to undress from the waist down.

Nami and Zuko where bare as they continues to kiss again as zuko let a hand trail down to her chest gently massaging it. Nami's breath hitched as  zuko let her lay back once again and he went down to massage her chest and playfully licker and tease her chest as he gently took one hand lower and felt her womanhood but did not go in as he looked to nami

"Nami ?" He said looking at her as nami nodded giving him the clear to go ahead as he kissed her gently and began to play with her womanhood.

Zuko couldn't help it as he put his tounge in to Nami's mouth and he began to play with her tounge as she kissed back playing as well.  Zuko gently took a finger to go inside nami gently before she gasped.  As it felt sore at first but it turned to pleasure as he began to go in deeper with his finger and back out; Zuko began to go faster and faster before adding another finger as he kissed her to keep both their moans to a minimum.

Zuko stopped taking his fingers out looking at nami as he nodded like to as if she was reading and nami nodded back; Zuko helped her sit up to let Zuko sit up with nami over him

"I'll be as gentle as I can" Zuko whispered in her ear as both breather heaving and slowly Zuko went in and nami clinged to him tightly feeling the pain of him inside her stretching her insides

Zuko let nami adjust for a moment before he began to go deeper holding it their a moment before going back again.  Zuko began at a slow pace not to hurt nami but he stopped when nami clinged to him.

"D. ..don't stop.... k...keep going "  Zuko nodded as nami whispered it in to his ear and he began again and slowly went in and out of her. 

It wasent enough for Zuko as he went against his better judgement to keep it slow for nami.  As he began to pick up the pace going faster and faster.  Nami said pain began to get worse but it slowly changed to pleasure as zuko went faster as she moaned, pantograph for breath as he went faster and faster.  Nami kissed him again to stop herself from screaming out in pleasure.

Nami found it so pleasing as he kept going before it got more heated and he was coming to his end and stopped trying to hold it looking at nami.  But he had no time to say and he spilled inside her as he moaned out.  As nami gasped at Zuko suddenly spilling out.

"I...I'm sorry......the. .their was no time to"  Zuko began as he panted looking at nami who was panting as well

"I..it's ok " she said kissing him again "that was a..amazing"  nami said leaning in to his chest closing her eyes as they saved this moment.  He didn't want to for get it. Neither did nami.

********SMUT END**********

After Zuko and nami cleaned up together in the shower.  Nami retired to bed with Zuko bare and naked.  They where comfortable as nami faced the wall and Zuko wraped his arms around her nami clossed her eyes easily fallig asleep as zuko watched movig sime if her ling brown hair out her face; ni was beautigul when ahe was sleepig zuko knew she always was. As he held her close and slowly clossed his own eyes slowly fallig in to a deep and peaceful sleep.

( Zuko X Reader ) - Completedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें