The Drill - Chapter 7 ( Part 1)

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this part is quite long so im putting it into two parts enjoy

Mai and Ty lee Sat at each side of Azula; who sat in the middle of the throne. you where standing to the side of them, A commander that told the men who drove the drill what to do paced in front of the three of you seeming about to speak with emotionless face.

" this drill is a feat of scientific ingenuity, and raw destructive power. once it goes through the wall our troops will storm the city, the earth kingdom will finally fall. and you you can claim the city in name of your father" the man stopped to look out the front standing in front of us about to talk wouldn't this guy ever shut up nami wondered " nothing will stop us"

Ty Lee was sitting normally looking out a scope that hung down from the ceiling as she looked through then turned to look at Azula " what about those muscly guys down their

"please....... this drill is impervious to any earth bending attack" the commander walked over to hit the scope making Ty Lee jump back in surprise then pout with one arm leaning on the seat

"oh i'm sure it is war minister ching.....just to be on the safe side... Mai, Ty lee and Nami Take the earth benders out" Nami had a sly smile as Azula said for you to go. now was your chance

all this time Mai was sat twirling a weapon and stopped standing up " finally...something to do"

Nami, Ty lee and Mai all walked at a fast pace to a tall exit at the top of the drill and got out. Ty Lee and Mai slid down the drill as Nami bended a water path down and then to bend it back in to her pouch. Ty lee attacked a man who sent a bolder at her; Ty lee was to fast and jumped high to avoid the attack and gave a few jabs on them to make them fall.

Nami was standing by two men who shot boulders at her, she moved with some grace to avoid the attacks, and water whipped one mans legs while dogging ans pulled him to knock in to the other guy at the side and Ty Lee jabbed them in the process to stop them attacking back.

Ty Lee was so nice Nami wished she wasn't on the bad side, maybe if she was not on Azula's side shed be helping the avatar.

---- Avatars group POV -----

" whats wrong with him.....he doesn't look injured" the earth Kingdom General spoke crossed his arms looking worried for the men who where attacked

" His Chi is blocked" Katara said as she was bending the water round one of the men's arms trying to help him; when Katara stopped the man grumbled and moved his arm up a little "who did this to you?" Katara looked at the man who stared back

" Three Girls ambushed us" the man groaned a little resting his arm back on the bed " one girl attacked me made me knock in to my comrade, and another hit me with a few blows and suddenly i couldn't earth bend and barely move. then one cartwheeled away"

" that Water bender and Ty lee, that water benders fast, Quick like a fire benders skills and Ty lee doesn't look dangerous but she knows the human body and its weak points"

( Zuko X Reader ) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now