Old Friends - Chapter 3

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After the fight with Zuko. Azula had sent you to see a person she had on the ship that was good at dealing with burns. You weren't the best at healing things with water bending as you had no experience. You were glad that Zuko was gone, he wasn't going to be a prisoner.

-------Zuko's POV-----

My uncle and i had ran away fast, gladly my Sister never followed. We ran for some time before stopping alongside the river, i took long breaths needing to relax, Uncle was knelled beside me doing the same

"i think, were safe here " Iroh had said looking at the ground that he was knelled down on.

i gave a nod taking out a dagger i had got from iroh long ago when i was just a kid. we didn't speak for some time as i grabbed my hair where it was tied up cutting the pony tail off before handing it to Iroh, he did the same to his hair that was tied up. All that played in my mind was Nami, she was on Azula's side. It hurt me deep what i did burning her badly.

"shes on Azulas side......i.......i can't believe it. she wanted me to be brought back and be a prisoner" we were there for some time before dropping the hair we cut off in to the water letting it drift down the river

" You are mistaken, Zuko......when Azula spoke to you i spoke to Nami asking her if what Azula said it was the truth, but shook her head as she said it" i looked at uncle when he said this wanting to hear more

"So Nami was implying that it was a trap" Zuko looked to the sky thinking of Nami his friend and someone who he had trusted all those years ago

--------------- Flashback ------------------------

IT was a bright day, the run was rising. in the fire nation everyone was about their business as Ozai was doing his duties and Azula, Ty Lee and Mai where in the garden playing as kids do. Zuko was inside playing with Ursa his mother. An attendant came in speaking to Ursa in her ear

Ursa had got up nodding then to smile at her son " Zuko ill be back in a moment" she smiled leaving Zuko alone

She had heard from the attendant about that water bender who gave birth to a child a few years ago. They had taken the child to raise in a room damp and cold, ' that was no way to treat any child even if they were not of fire nation origin' that's all she thought as she walked to the halls heading to see Ozai. She walked in to the room to see Ozai Standing in front of the child who was curled up in a ball terrified

"Ozai, Please.....Show mercy to the child....." Ursa walked up to stand behind the curled up child

They both deliberated a while about it before Ozai Showed mercy. he would allow her to live in the Palace as long as she behaved, they also where to keep an eye on her in case to find out if she was a bender or not.

Ursa watched Ozai Leave before coming to stand next to you kneeling down " Can you give me your name little one" Ursa's tone was gentle trying to be kind

Nami looked up to her seeing the smiling and gentle face in front of her " N....Nami " she had red eyes from crying.

Every day after that was better, no longer did they hurt nami.

A few weeks later

Ursa was looking after you as well as tending to her other children to. You never left the room that was given to you. Ursa was with Zuko as she looked at him kneeling down to his height "Zuko i want you to meet someone, she is shy but im sure you both would make good friends"

After Nami and Zuko met it made Nami open up more, she played with Zuko most days when he wasn't busy and became best friends telling each other everything.

---------------------Flashback End------------------------

After traveling for so long, you and Azula went to go get Ty Lee. You dressed in you water bending clothing as it was better and more comfortable. you decided on the tall boots with the fur at the top and long socks to your knees; With the bandages you put long gloves on to keep your bandages hidden before leaving with Azula to the Circus.

(Pic is shown above)

Ty lee was in a handstand by only using two fingers, until Azula came in to her view "Ty lee...Could that possibly be you"

You stood beside Azula as Tylee looked at you both smiling " Azula!" she said happily and landed to stand then bow at Azula, then hugged her closely, then Saw Nami standing their " Nami!" she smiled at you giving a hug then stood back to look at both of us

"please don't let us interrupt ...eh... whatever it is your where doing" Azula looked slightly confused not sure what she was doing as she went back to her position and extending a leg forward and one in the air, as she looked up at them

 whatever it is your where doing"  Azula looked slightly confused not sure what she was doing as she went back to her position and extending a leg forward and one in the air, as she looked up at them

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After seeing her show since she didn't want to come. She decided to come and we both headed to our next destination.


We Arived in Omashu, as Azula was taking the palin king in to the city and towards Mai who was standing by stairs. Azula's Palin king was set down as she came out to walk to Mai with Nami and Ty Lee

"Please tell me your here to kill me" she said bowing her head with hands together like praying. Before Mai and Azula laughed hugging for a second

" it's great to see you Mai" Azula said before backing off and Ty Lee went to in brace Mai as well

"i thought you ran off to join the Circus, You said it was your calling" Mai said before embracing her back then to let go

"Well Azula called a little louder "Ty Lee said having a big smile on her face

Mai turned her head a little to see Nami smiling "Nami i thought you work in the palace"

Nami smiled a little looking at her then to give her a hug then backed off " Azula asked me to come with her on the Mission, and I'm glad i did, i get to see my old friends"

Azula came over to the three of us standing in a circle like way "I have a mission and i need you three"

"count me in, Anything to get me out of this place" Mai said having a sort of annoyed look on her face

Nami, Mai and Ty Lee smiled looking at Azula before heading to see Mai's parents. Before finding out about the trade they were going to make with the resistance, but instead Azula said all of us would handle it.  

( Zuko X Reader ) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now